Page 64 of Fierce Protector

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They all laughed again.

The sound faded when they heard Webb’s voice. He swept into the kitchen holding a sleeping little girl in his arms, grabbed a mug of hot chocolate, and walked back out.

Demi’s heart was shattered for Opal and her child. How sad that a man’s life had been cut short. Now they were in dangerous too, which was the reason Zach fetched her from the babysitter’s house.

Ledger hadn’t been wrong about the weight of the danger they were all in. She was lucky—she’d only been shoved into the stall wall.

They would find the criminal and stop him. The sheriff’s department was involved now, and the local police too. Along with the steps that Colton, Hunter, Carver, Zach and Ledger were taking, they would surely find the person responsible.

If anything happened to Ledger…

With a small flip of her heart, Demi realized how lost she’d be without Ledger.

She wasn’t just falling for the SEAL. She was in love.

Chapter Fourteen

Ledger clasped Demi by the hand and led her past the floral paintings leaning against the wall and positioned on the easels, over to the futon.

She turned to him. Fatigue had created pale bruises under each eye, but she was just as beautiful as ever. More so because of her core of steel.

He ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms. He needed to touch her just to make sure she was still with him.

“I never should have let you make that ranch call alone.”

She shook her head, her hair waving over her shoulders. “You had other issues to handle here. Did you even get to search for the wolves? Is the cow okay?”

His lips compressed. “Killed.”

“Oh god!”

“The other ranch hands are out hunting for wolves now with a few of the WEST Protection crew that showed up to lend a hand.”

“I can’t believe how out of control all this has gotten. First the horse attack, then the wolves. Now Mr. Vale’s horse and…” She trailed off, shaking her head to cast out the memory of what she saw.

He understood. He wished he could unsee a lot of things. But he was the most grateful man in the universe tonight. He had Demi. He had their baby.

Bringing her a step closer, he slipped his arms around her. With his nose buried in her fragrant hair, he rasped, “I was so scared when you called.”

She locked her arms around him tighter, swaying into his body. “I’m all right, Ledger.”

Inching back enough to stare into her beautiful eyes, he searched her expression for the source of the emotion that thickened her voice.

She swallowed, her delicate throat working. “I realized something tonight.”

He smoothed his thumb over the crest of her cheek. “What’s that?”

“I know we said we’d date, but…”

She broke off for so long that he ducked his head to force her to meet his gaze.


In a rush, her words tumbled out. “I’m in love with you, Ledger. I think I fell for you when you walked up to my table carrying my favorite drink.”

His chest heaved with emotion, and his heart took off in a thundering beat.

“Oh baby…I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since that first night we were together. Each minute I spend with you, I want to spend two more to make up for anything I missed.”

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