Page 43 of Fierce Protector

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They didn’t have to wait long before the headlights panned over them. A cage rattled in the back of the ranger truck as it came to a stop.

Opal climbed out and flicked on a flashlight, shining it along the ground to the wolf at their feet. “Wow. It’s a big boy.”

Demi nodded. “I thought you’d want to put a tracker on him.”

Stepping up to the wolf, Opal nodded. “We need to get him in the cage.”

Demi made a move to bend and help lift the animal, but Ledger quickly jumped in.

“I got it.” He grabbed it by two legs and hoisted it off the ground. The stench it carried made his nostrils pinch.

Demi caught a whiff, bent over and promptly threw up.

“Damn, baby. Are you okay?” He started to lower the wolf but realized that he couldn’t touch her with the smell on his hands now too.

Opal lunged forward, slipping an arm around Demi’s back as she heaved.

With no option, Ledger hurried to place the wolf in the cage. He locked the gate, ensuring it couldn’t wake up and escape, then went to the back of Demi’s vehicle. All day he’d seen her use various bottles of soapy water to scrub up when there wasn’t a garden hose available.

Keeping his attention on Demi, he scrubbed to his elbows and rinsed off. When he brought his palms to his face and sniffed, he wrinkled his nose then dumped a copious amount of rubbing alcohol on his hands, hoping some of the odor washed out of his pores.

After using a clean cloth to wipe off, he closed the trunk and approached Demi.

To his surprise, she turned right into his arms, face buried against his chest. “You did this to me!”

A chuckle bubbled up his throat. Over her head, he met Opal’s gaze. She pressed a fist to her mouth, concealing her own smile.

Brushing his lips across Demi’s forehead, he rumbled, “I’ll make it up to you. But first, maybe Opal can get a tracking collar for you. Since you love to run off.”


His ploy worked. In her outrage, she seemed to forget all about her wave of sickness.

“You did just leave our bed in the she-shed.”

She stomped a boot. “It’s not our anything.”

Opal hightailed it to the truck. With a wave, she jumped behind the wheel and drove off.

He fixed his stare on Demi standing in front of him, her beautiful face turned up to his. His voice was quiet. “It’s our child, Demi.”

She plastered her hand across his chest.

He locked her in a level look. “If you’re healthy enough to run off, you’re healthy enough to have the conversation you’ve been avoiding.”

She twisted her fingers in his shirt front, bringing him a step closer. “You smell, and I just threw up. But we can remedy that with a hot shower and a toothbrush. Now…would you rather talk or have sex?”

* * * * *

Demi really wasn’t stalling so much that she’d up a ploy like distracting Ledger with sex.

But ohh, it was a good distraction.

They faced each other with her bed between them. The first time they had sex had blown her mind. Now her hormones, coupled with days of close proximity of the sinful SEAL, practically had her dripping wet and ready to beg him to give her release.

In a slow sweep, she lowered her gaze from his handsome face to the sculpted chest, six-pack and even lower to his impressive erection.

Her fantasies hadn’t done him justice. His cock was even bigger than she remembered.

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