Page 39 of Fierce Protector

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“No one has bossed me around in years. You can’t start now.”

He leaned in. Inch by inch, he hovered closer. Her stupid lungs forgot how to inflate. Her silly heart slammed against her ribs.

“Demi. I’m asking you to let me protect you.”

Her body then remembered that oxygen was a necessary part of being alive and sucked in a deep breath.

If the man who attacked her came back to finish the job? She’d need Ledger to keep her alive.

The masked man could have recognized her. He could be a resident of Eden. She could see him every day. He could be one of her clients.

She felt herself nod.

Stupid body, making decisions for me.

As if proving her point, her nipples were tight pebbles, straining toward the hard planes of Ledger’s chest.

His gaze lingered on her mouth. The breeze teased a strand of hair free of her ponytail, sending it across her cheek.

Gaze shifting to the errant lock, Ledger lifted a hand and gently hooked a finger around it, directing it behind her ear.

Her insides clutched. Had any man ever looked at her with so much intensity?

“My first patient is waiting.” Her voice sounded like a wisp, as reedy as the breeze. She started to glide into the car, but he wrapped his fingers around her upper arm, holding her.

His firm lips settled over hers. The pressure sent a thrill into her belly…and lower.

For a moment, she couldn’t move or think about the horse with an abscess she was supposed to see. She could only think about kissing him back.

Going on tiptoe, she melted into the caress, moaning softly as he angled his head and deepened the kiss.

For the solid week that they shared the shed, she’d fantasized about him kissing her every time she woke up to his handsome face and each night when she drifted off to dreams of him.

His arm banded around her back, and he brought her up against his body. Dark need slithered through her. Her panties flooded. When she gripped his wrist and guided his hand up to her breast—to her aching nipple—she realized what she was doing and stopped.

She ducked into the car, plopping into the seat. A second later, as Ledger closed the door, she swore she heard his deep chuckle.

She needed a moment. Driving while under the influence of a very hot SEAL was dangerous. Combined with pregnancy hormones, he scrambled her senses as much as any substance.

“Where to?” His low voice sent tingles dancing over her nerves.

Get a grip. He’s only a man.

But the hottest one you’ll ever see.

She swung her stare back to him, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth and gently clamping down on the urge to order him into the back seat so she could ride him to pleasured abandon.

“Um. A horse.”

His lips quirked at one corner. Amusement glinted in his eyes, highlighting what may be a sixth shade of gray. “What’s the matter with the horse?”

Her gaze skidded over his rugged features, down his chest.

She gulped at the very apparent bulge distending the fly of his jeans.

Following her stare, he gave his erection an unapologetic nudge into a better position.

Demi quickly started the SUV and backed out of the driveway, forgetting that he’d parked the Graceys’ truck behind her in the driveway until she slammed into it.

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