Page 35 of Fierce Protector

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Feeling more confident, she went to the shower and enjoyed testing out a few soaps. Several bruises had bloomed on her skin. Nothing she hadn’t dealt with before, only she’d never been physically attacked by another human. It left a tang of fear in her mouth.

When she emerged clean and dressed in fresh clothes, her stare landed on Ledger.

He perched on the edge of the futon, elbows on his knees and his head cradled in his hands. He raised his head and looked at her.

“You’re back.” Her voice came out raspy.

Something flickered in his eyes. Something far too much like what she’d seen when he was moving inside her.

“I brought you some food.” He pointed at the round table in front of the windows.

Today her stomach quickly made up its mind that she could handle food, unlike other days when she could barely swallow a sip of water with a multivitamin. Now she’d need to up that to a prenatal vitamin.

She sank to the chair.

He stood and crossed the room in slow, prowling strides. The strain of denim across his muscled thighs should also be illegal.

She was making a mental list of all the things that should be outlawed about Ledger, when she suddenly realized something.

“I don’t even know your last name.”

He gave her an impassive look. “It’s Bell.”

Her stomach gave a little dip. “That’s a nice name.”

“Thanks.” He dragged the other chair out, the legs scraping on the tile floor that still had splatters of paint on it, and plopped into the seat.

“We’re going to have that talk now, Demi.”

She wasn’t getting out of it a minute longer.

His stare pinned hers. She couldn’t rip it away if she tried.

Three long heartbeats passed.

She tore her stare away and focused on her plate of food. Fresh fruit, pancakes and a glass of orange juice.

“Thank you for the food.”

He gave her a single nod but said nothing.

Nerves gripped her. She was a confident woman, but she’d never discussed a baby with a man before.

She drew her shoulders back and swung her stare to his again. “I’m a strong, independent woman. I don’t expect anything from you.”

His expression darkened—like thunderclouds scudding across an already threatening sky.

God, he was so hot. Her body didn’t want food right now—but it would take an orgasm or five. A knot tightened in her core.

Her pregnancy hormones were really kicking in. She was so horny. Being around this exceptional man wasn’t helping her body simmer down either.

She studied his handsome features. It was going to be a cute kid.

“Of course you don’t need anything from me.” He bit the words off in a slow lazy drawl, but his tone didn’t fool her. It was edged with anger. “I already served my purpose to you. I did my part. Aside from you being on bedrest and needing help.”

Gathering a deep, fortifying breath, she nodded. “Right.”

“And food delivery.”

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