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My head cocks to the side. “Our sunflowers?”

“Yes, the ones you put on the shelf. I want to put them in some water.”

I repeat, confused, “Our sunflowers?” believing they were for her.

“Ben and I both picked each other one.” Tightening her robe, self-consciously, she adds, “I hope it’s okay. I did it on a whim and didn’t realize I shouldn’t just yank out flowers that don’t belong to me.”

Rachel has opened the window to listen, and asks through it, “Willow, are you saying you picked them together? Why would you wonder if you could? If Ben did it, you know it’s alright. And of course it is. We have hundreds of them!”

Our guest, and the object of our son’s as-yet-unknown intentions, steps forward to the edge of the porch to be heard better, her pretty grey eyes glancing between me and my wife. “After he threw pebbles at my window, I ran down to meet him and I picked one. But then when I saw him around back, he had picked one, too!”

I look over to see Rachel covering her mouth with her hands. “He threw pebbles!?” She throws the door open and jumps down, saying to me, “Honey, I think Silvia wanted to have some tea. Remember how she said that. Won’t you join us, Willow?”

She gives my hand a quick squeeze, passing me with excitement to learn more about the girl who brought an old romantic story back from the past to bring hope to our future.



Ben is an experienced horse rider, and today, he is taking on the role of a teacher. I am a novice when it comes to riding horses, to say the least. We are both standing in a large, open field, the sun shining brightly above us. My anticipation and excitement fills the air as I prepare to embark on this new adventure. “I’m talking too much, and too fast!”

“I like your voice.”

I look up at Ben, who is confident and composed, his experience evident in his posture. He gazes at me with a warm smile, green eyes bright in the sunlight as he reassures me, “Everything will be fine. I’m here.” His words of encouragement give me the boost of confidence I need. And that it’s him teaching me, happy goosebumps are my continuous friend.

"Willow, remember to relax and trust the horse," Ben says, his voice calm and soothing. "They can sense your emotions, so it's important to stay calm and confident."

I take a deep breath, trying to settle down, but my nervous, racing heart won’t slow. Ben leads me to the gentle, patient horse named Arwen. Her chestnut coat glistens in the sunlight, gorgeous eyes soft and kind. I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and fear as I stand beside her. The muscles of her shape are intense.

“First, let's start with getting comfortable in the saddle," Ben instructs, guiding me to mount Arwen. I place my foot in the stirrup and swing my leg over, settling into the saddle, jeans a little too tight. Like my shirt. I may have planned that. Heheh.

Ben adjusts the stirrups to fit my height, and touches my leg, ensuring I have a proper position.

"Now, grip the reins lightly and sit up straight," Ben continues, demonstrating the correct posture as he stands beside us. I mimic his actions, feeling our newfound connection strong in my cells. I want to kiss him, but we’re not alone. Jaxson is instructing Laura how to ride Aragorn nearby, their voices flowing easily on the breeze. But I barely hear them with Ben this close to me.

I ask the question I’ve been dying to ask all morning. “Was everything okay when you got home last night?”

“She didn’t come back to the house, so…yes. Remember, the reins are your communication tool," Ben explains. "Gently guide Arwen with them, but avoid pulling too hard or jerking them abruptly. She’ll take your cues without effort.” He gives the beauty a pet and she twists her neck to comfortably look at him with, what seems to me, appreciation for his affection. “I haven’t spent as much time with her as I’d like, but Mom and Dad are excellent horse riders, and Dad is amazing with animals. He broke both of them in himself.”

I nod, absorbing every word, every gesture. He’s so handsome as he leads Arwen forward with a gentle tug on the reins. She responds, taking slow, deliberate steps, hooves bending the tall, swaying grass. I take a deep breath and follow Ben's lead, gently urging the sweet horse to move forward. “She’s doing it!”

“You’re using the right amount of pressure when you tug, and it’s all she needs.”

As we continue to walk, Ben teaches me the basics of riding. Touching my waist, he sends electric shocks in between my legs as he explains how to use my thighs to give commands to Arwen, how to shift my weight to turn, and how to maintain a balanced posture. With every step, I feel more comfortable, nervous tension evaporating.

Gemma’s having noticed that I’m not the most spontaneous person comes to mind and I have to wonder, is it because it’s a little terrifying to try new things? While I was excited about this afternoon’s lesson, that was mostly because of spending time with Ben. When I found out he would be teaching me, I couldn’t wait for time to fly. It did the opposite. But as he guided me initially into the pasture and I saw how tall horses truly are, I got a little scared.

"Alright, Willow, now let's try a trot," Ben suggests, green eyes gleaming with excitement. "Remember to relax your body and go with the horse's rhythm."

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the challenge. Ben encourages Arwen to pick up the pace, and soon, we’re trotting across the field, sunlight unencumbered in a beautiful, blue, cloudless sky. The rhythmic movement of Arwen’s gait is both exhilarating and challenging. I focus on maintaining my balance and following the horse's movements, finding it easier as I remember what he said — trust the horse.

With each passing moment, my confidence grows, in Arwen and myself. This is so fun, riding a horse whose relaxed trot makes my hair bounce on my shoulders, my body feel more alive. “I should have a cowboy hat!” I call to Ben. “I’m good at this!”

He grins, and calls over the distance through cupped hands, “You’re a natural!”

I guide her back to him, and Ben's guidance and patience are invaluable as he teaches me the intricacies of horse riding. We spend over two hours in the field, practicing various techniques and building a bond of trust between us and Arwen, Ben reminding me, “She’s learning to know me at the same time as you, Willow.”

As the sun begins to set, casting a warm golden hue over the field, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Ben's teachings have transformed me from a nervous novice to a confident rider. The experience of riding a horse has opened up a whole new world of adventure and, with him, a deeper connection I can feel in the way we look at each other. So badly I wish I could kiss him.

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