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Rachel says, “We were just talking about sleep. How did you sleep last night?”

Shelby’s smile pervades. “Good to be in my bed again.”

Ouch. What the fuck, Willow? Stop it! Cut this off now. Women are supposed to help each other. Ben is off limits to me from now on. I came here to find my smile again and this ain’t cuttin’ it.

Rachel says, "Good," but her eyes are saying something else. She looks surprised and covers it with a smile. “A good night’s sleep is so important.”

"Sorry I missed yoga. I wasn't sure when we started."

“I’m sorry. I should have told you…” Looking confused, she stops the sentence and changes the subject. “Did you drive here?"

Shelby laughs to Rachel, "I wouldn't walk that long a distance!"

I ask, “So what do you do, Shelby?"

"I'm a mother."

I nod, “And that's enough."

She says pointedly to Rachel, “That's what I told Ben,” and then turns her attention to me as if I understand her like nobody else can. "Raising a child is hard. Ben spends so much time working on the farm, someone has to clean and cook and drive Jonny to school. To and from school."

Rachel clears her throat.

I'm waiting for Shelby to ask me what I do, to continue the conversation, but instead there is the worst silence I have ever experienced in my life. Shelby lifts her coffee cup and takes a sip, perfectly content. Our hostess shifts her weight, and locks eyes with me. She looks lost and the ache I felt for myself switches over to her. I struggle and think of something to ask. “What made you come up with the name Jonny? Is it short for Jonathan? Or John?

Shelby shakes her head, curls bouncing lightly. “No, just Jonny. Ben said it sounded like a friend. He wanted something that, when our son grew up, the name would mean something. He said everybody likes a guy named Jonny. It's easy-going.”

I nod, "I agree with that."

On a shrug Shelby says, "I think it's kind of boring.I wanted something more intimidating like his cousins have.” She fills me in, since I don’t know who she’s referring to. “Like Max and Gabriel. Or something that rolls off the tongue like Caden.”

Rachel is biting her lip, literally, and I'm wondering if she's doing it figuratively as well. "Did you want to join us in the arts and crafts room today?"

The door swings open and in walks Ben. He spots us three, does a quick scan of the main room and finds us alone. "Shelby! Outside. Now."

"I am having coffee with my mother-in-law and my new friend."

Ben and his mother share a look before he slams one at me. "Willow, please excuse what you're about to see."

Shelby's eyes go wide as he storms over, lifts her out of the chair, ignoring her screams as he carries her to the front door. "I don't know what you’ve been saying to them, but your gaslighting days are over.”

Everyone from the meditation room hurries to where we are, eyes on the slamming door. Dax, from the top of the stairs, asks, “Anybody have aspirin?”

Rachel rises up. “I have an announcement. Your time here is free.”

Sylvia closes her eyes, then starts to clap.

Maggie says, “Oh, that’s not necessary.”

Steven exhales, “Very cool.”

The Brooklyn girls join in the clapping.

Marco, in his thick Italian accent, exclaims, “Bene!”


I feel terrible for Rachel.

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