Page 23 of The Heiress Auction

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One second ticks by. Then another. She presses a shaking hand against her chest. Her eyes are still locked on me, a little wide, increasingly frantic.

“Have you ever had a panic attack before?” I murmur, recognizing the signs.

She sucks in a sharp breath and gives a single nod.

I fight to keep my expression neutral. She doesn’t need my emotions muddying the waters. Having suffered from attacks myself in the past, in addition to witnessing some doozies with clients, my heart aches for her.

Standing, I glance around one more time, making sure the coast is clear. She struggles back to her full height, her hand sliding back to her middle. A small handbag dangles from her other wrist, and she takes an unsteady step forward. Her hand flies out and grabs ahold of my forearm. Her fingers are long, delicate, but surprisingly strong, and I can’t help but imagine them wrapped around my cock.

The mental image almost brings me to my knees. It’s so clear and real I could swear it was a memory, that I’ve actually felt her touch on my heated skin before.

I bite back a groan and press my hand on top of hers. “Hold on to me. I won’t let you fall.”



Alex’s words echo through the cotton in my brain.

Hold on to me.

Hold me.

Won’t let you fall. Won’t fall.

My body feels like a lead weight. My limbs might as well be stuck in quicksand. Over the white noise in my ears, an ambulance echoes through the city. I force a deep breath into my lungs. I can do this. I’ve got to do this. Must get home.

One foot in front of the other.

I have just enough coordination to cling to Alex’s arm.

He guides me down the sidewalk. I need to breathe. I need space and... and quiet.

My pulse pounds through my veins, and I tip to the right. I don’t make it far before he corrects my course and we’re moving again. Forward. Always forward.

Which is good. Because the rough cement is starting to look like a good place for a nap. I’d ruin my dress, though. Don’t want to ruin such a pretty dress.

What happened to the ambulance? It's so far away I can barely hear it. Can barely hear anything.

A big black vehicle looms at the curb.

“Gabe’s just there,” a deep voice says, sounding muffled.


Right. Gabe. Gabriel.

Gosh, he looked good tonight.

“Watch your step.” A warm hand settles at the small of my back, guiding me toward the back door of the SUV.

Warm light pours out. The scent of leather and cologne tease my nose. The rich camel leather looks soft and safe. I can do it. Almost there. Almost out of this nightmare. What was I thinking? Offering two dates?

Two million dollars.

Tyler was right. What a spectacle, Kate.

“In you go.” There’s slight pressure on my back, propelling me gently toward the rear of the vehicle. I look up into dreamy brown eyes. I know those eyes. The tingles in my fingers soften and then cease.

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