Page 22 of The Heiress Auction

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What a fucking vision.

Utterly calm, shoulders down and back, her gossamer hair is swept high on her head to reveal the lovely slope of her neck. That dress makes her look like a trophy. A queen.

And her subjects have just been dismissed.

I’m so impressed by her exit that it takes another second before her words register.

Apparently, it takes Gabe and Tyler the same amount of time.

He pivots, straightening his jacket. His lips move like he’s chewing on his words. Wanting to make some scathing retort.

I’d warn him to watch his tongue, but he stalks off without another word.

“Stairs?” Gabe says.

“Yeah.” We turn, stride back to the main staircase and descend at a jog. The doorman holds the door and I burst out onto the sidewalk.

Why does this feel like Cinderella running away from the ball?

I almost want to glance around to see if she lost a shoe.

“Well, that didn’t go how I expected,” Gabe murmurs.

“How’d you expect it to go?”

“Well, I didn’t think she’d run from us.”

I glance back at the glittering hotel and all the people. The air is thick with exhaust and humidity from an approaching storm. At my back, a car horn gives a frustrated bleep-bleep, and then another joins in.

“I don’t think she was running from us so much as this.” I wave a hand toward the towering building.

“You obviously don’t know her as well as I do. Katherine Montgomery was born into this life, with these people. You saw how she cut that guy down to size.”

I did. And it was impressive. But somehow, I don’t think he’s the type to learn from his mistakes. Cocky rich kids seldom do. I should know. Once upon a time, I was one.

I rake my gaze over the sidewalk and across the throng of hotel guests and valet drivers. There’s an inky black Town Car idling at the curb, but no sign of Katherine.

A flash of green has my head jerking right, and I see her a dozen yards away, one hand pressed against her stomach, the other braced against a pillar.

“Have the car brought around.” I press the ticket into Gabe’s hand and start up the sidewalk. The way she’s hunched over, shoulders rounded, makes my steps quick. But I slow as I reach her because somehow I know she’s easily spooked. I don’t know how I know that, but she reminds me of a frightened deer. Leggy and graceful but always on the watch for a predator. A hunter. A snare. And even when she’s scared, she’s dangerous.

Helpless, however, is not a word I’d ever use to describe Katherine Montgomery.

But the way she’s wedged herself between a pillar and another massive potted plant brings out all my most protective instincts. All of that poise is crumbling around her ears. Is it truly a façade, or is she simply overwhelmed by the attention?

I glance around to make sure there aren’t photographers lying in wait. Then I squat down next to her. She sucks in a breath, and those startling eyes swerve my way.

“Easy,” I whisper. “You did good up there.”

Her jaw drops a fraction. If I wasn’t watching her so closely, I’d miss the way she exhales. It’s more like a sigh of relief. It hits me that Katherine is not used to praise, but she likes it.

Something twists in my chest. Why do I have the sudden and overwhelming urge to see her smile? To make her smile? To be the rock anchoring her during this storm?

I push the feeling aside.

Right now, I need to focus on getting her out of here before she has a meltdown or before the piranhas get wind of the situation. Her brows pinch together, and her breathing speeds up. I manage to keep my gaze off her amazing tits. Later, I’ll pat myself on the back for being a gentleman.

“So here’s what I’m thinking,” I say, using the tactic that has helped me with clients over the years. Not that she’s a client and thank goodness for that. Right on schedule, the watch on my wrist vibrates and I glance at the message from Gabe. “Gabe’s around the corner in my car. How about I take you home and get you away from all these people?”

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