Page 96 of Royal Mistake

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“Yeah, she’s tough but she also was coerced into something she’d wanted no part of initially. Incidentally, what you’ve overheard is to be kept completely confidential. I hope I can trust you with that.”

“Yes, sir. Of course you can. But I ain’t blind.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning you two are meant for each other.”

I had no idea what to say to that.

He seemed flustered. “Maybe I overstepped my bounds. If I did, I’m sorry.”

“Nonsense. You did nothing of the kind. Maybe you’re right.” I slapped him on the arm. “Get out of here and go home to your family. I appreciate you letting me know.”

“Can I give you a piece of advice, Mr. Royal?”

“Sure you can.” The man was ten years older and had worked in one capacity or the other for either my father or myself for years. Hell, he’d been around when I was a kid, mostly running errands at my father’s office as a very young man. He had a wife, three kids, and four grandkids at this point. I could afford to and should listen to him and any advice he had to give.

“I adored your father and one reason was because he never lost sight of his family. When your mother died, he was crushed but instead of pulling away, he fought to keep the family intact. I know you didn’t see it because you were so young, but it was tough on him. Even I knew it then as young as I was. And you having cancer nearly killed him.”

“I appreciate you telling me that.”

“What I’d trying to say is that your dad loved all of you and I know he was tough, but you didn’t get to see him gushing over your mother first then staying right by her side when she was sick. He fought your stepmother coming into his life but when she did, I noticed a spark in him I thought had been buried with your mom. After he accepted he could love again, the way he doted on Mrs. Royal was something I aspired to.”

I could tell by his eyes he wasn’t quite finished.

“Anyway, that spark I mentioned? I’ve never seen it in you. Until now. That woman sobbing her heart out in there adores you and you adore her. I get why you’re forming an arrangement but don’t fool yourself. There’s more there or the two of you wouldn’t be here. Take care of her. Nurture what you already had building and for God’s sake, don’t let the spark die. You will never forgive yourself.”

As I absorbed what he’d just said, my thoughts drifted to the beautiful woman I loved calling my cupcake. To anyone else, it would seem silly or beneath me, but Tony was right about everything. “You’re a good man, Tony. And you’re right. But don’t tell anyone.”

He laughed and nodded. “Your secret is safe with me. Good night, sir. Make her smile. That can light up a room.”

“Yes, it can.” I waited as he walked away, trying to figure out what to say to her. As soon as I walked inside the house, I was struck by the quiet. Selena loved music. She was almost always playing some crazy type of music or band I’d never heard of. The quiet told me far too many things.

Our deal had broken the relationship with her father. That hadn’t been my intent at all.

I closed the door and headed for the kitchen, jerking off my jacket and removing my tie. Tonight, the world could fucking go to hell as far as I was concerned.

I would take care of my cupcake, the women I did adore.

After unbuttoning my shirt and rolling up the sleeves, I found a bottle of wine I knew she’d enjoyed, shoved a wine opener in my pocket, and yanked two glasses from the rack. Then I went on the hunt. I’d meant what I’d told her. I would hunt her down if she dared attempt to leave me under any circumstances.

Hell, maybe I was falling in love with her.

I finally found her in the office I’d set up for her. As soon as I walked in, I could tell how upset she was. She had her laptop and the one brought from my father’s estate open, but her head was in her hands. The fact she hadn’t detected my presence let me know the extent of her sadness.

I moved silently toward her desk, gently placing the wine bottle on the desk’s surface.

She finally lifted her head and immediately did everything she could to hide the fact she’d been crying. With her not being vocal, her eyes imploring mine, I sensed it was bad. Very bad.

And I was furious, not just as a businessman but as a person who cared for her deeply.

Remaining quiet, I opened the wine, pouring two glasses. When I pushed one across the desk, she shook her head as if she didn’t want it.

“Take it. Now.”

“Why?” she asked, her voice more pitiful than I’d ever heard. “We don’t have anything to celebrate.”

“Yeah, we do. Life. Come with me. Do not say no. I won’t accept that at all.” I grabbed the bottle and headed for the door, waiting as I studied her beautiful face. All the light she emitted had been sucked out of her. All the hope she’d had for the future had been stripped away.

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