Page 59 of Royal Mistake

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There I was losing my cool again.

Play the game, girl. Play the game.

He took his time, his grin infectious while he dared to shift slightly in my direction, rolling the tip of his index finger down my arm. “As long…” When he slowly rolled it across my chest, I found myself sucking in my breath. “As it…” His eyes were hooded, his chest heaving as he continued derailing my resolve, now flicking that same fingertip across my nipple.

Instantly, they both became fully aroused, which was nothing in comparison to the white-hot heat sizzling my core or the damning fact my panties were soaked.

He curled his finger, showing me another very knowing smile while he lifted his gaze.

“Takes for you to completely surrender forever.”

Determined to win a few points in this round, I leaned over and pulled his lower lip between my teeth, biting down without hesitation. When I tasted a single drop of his blood, I issued an intense purr.

I purposely waited as I sat back in my seat, rubbing my finger across my lips and acting as if I was a vampire. As I lifted my glass toasting the man, I was actually more fully committed than ever to destroy everything about him. I was pleased as punch he was hanging on my actions.

“Let me make this easy for you, Lone Ranger, or maybe I should start calling you Mr. Grumpy because you’re going to need to learn disappointment. Not. On. Your. Life.”

He had an entirely different expression on his face all of a sudden. As if I’d pressed all the right buttons, finally realizing just how much of a competition the next few days were going to be. “Oh, I suggest you learn one thing quickly, cupcake. I. Never. Lose.”



Play hard, work harder.

That had been my father’s motto for as long as I could remember and he had made good on his statement, much to the chagrin of my mother. She’d put up with his brutal hours, even looking the other way when she knew he was out with another woman. However, his heart attack had nearly broken her. I’d never seen her so upset or in love as I had while she was fawning over him in the hospital.

But he was a man fueled by greed, the hunger for power taking over everything in his life. It had changed him, altering any sense of humanity or goodness. Sadly, I knew the darkness festering inside meant I was just like him. But something happened that surprised even me.

I’d heard a near death experience could change even the worst of men. I would never have believed it until witnessing that experience. He’d left the hospital fifteen pounds lighter, a pacemaker installed and one changed man. I’d say he’d found religion, but hell would need to freeze over first for that to happen.

However, he cut all ties with the on again-off again women he’d been involved with, becoming more infatuated with his own wife than I’d believed possible. Maybe that’s why I’d always felt strangled by the concept of entering into an actual relationship.

Not that I was thinking what Selena and I already shared could be anything but a fiery competition. I was a damn good judge of character and even considering doing something more formal or risky for that matter would spell disaster with a capital D.

While it was my father’s desire, I was holding court on my decision at this point. There was that nagging suspicion she was truly the enemy, using her feminine wiles to pull me into whatever toxic relationship we were experiencing. I’d need to tread carefully. Even if I considered myself a damn good judge of character, women were truly magical in their ways of seduction.

However, toying with her every step of the way was definitely in my wheelhouse. It would seem she was more than a willing and formidable opponent in a heated game of winner takes all. Although I wasn’t certain at this point what the ‘all’ stood for.

I vacillated between trying to ignore the fact something ominous was going on with my father and thinking that he was simply getting back to his more ruthless roots. I should crave doing nothing but ripping apart what would be a limited hold on her father’s empire, but I found myself far too absorbed in her lusciousness.

As we’d neared the island, Selena leaned over, the warm glow of sunshine on her face accentuating the shimmer.

I leaned forward, unable to help myself as I sniffed her hair. She’d used strawberry shower gel or shampoo that morning. A favorite fragrance of mine on beautiful women.

“Are you one of those weirdos with twisted fetishes?” she mused, almost immediately unsnapping her seatbelt.

“I might have a few.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re into feet or I might vomit a little in my mouth.” After she threw out the nasty comment, which she’d refrained from for the majority of the flight, the plane lurched forward from turbulence.

And luckily for me, tossed her smack onto my lap.



Moan. Her moan to be exact.

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