Page 58 of Royal Mistake

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As soon as he handed me the glass, our fingers touched and several jolts of electricity shot through our arms. I did what I could to not react until he leaned over, taking his time before pressing his lips against mine.

I found it almost hysterical that the plane lurched and he almost fell on top of me. He would have if I hadn’t reacted quickly, shoving one hand against his chest. The moment our lips parted, we both took a subtle breath.

“Maybe you should sit down somewhere away from me and put on your seatbelt. Safety is a good thing,” I told him.

He was so close, so intoxicating that I was fearful I’d hyperventilate. The bastard refused to move at first, gripping the back of the seat while hovering over me like a vulture.

Why did he have to smell like citrus and all things woody and exotic? And why was it I longed to lick every inch of his body?

“Maybe that’s a good idea.” His dark whisper was far too husky, adding to my blatant desire.

I acted as if I couldn’t care less, pushing him once again. This time, he pulled away but instead of taking one of the other seats away from the row I was sitting in, he chose the one right next to me. He was going to make this tough. Fine. I could handle the heat.


We sat in silence as the pilot lifted the plane from the tarmac. When I gripped the arm of my seat with my free hand, guzzling a portion of my champagne, he chuckled beside me and dared grip my hand. He even had the nerve to intertwine our fingers together.

“Don’t worry, cupcake. I will never let anything happen to you.”

I was able to turn my head, glaring into his eyes. “What about you?”

“Ah, well, I’m a different story. I’m the man who plans on fulfilling your every need.”

“Wow. I was going to say you remind me of a cockroach.”

“Ouch. Such an unpleasant thing to say on such a beautiful morning.”

He was far too chipper, an attitude I needed to adopt. I took another sip of bubbly, forced to admit I was thoroughly enjoying the flavor and the effervescence. At least I was able to put some additional sass into my tone, even batting my eyelashes. “So, how long is this little flight?”

“About ten hours give or take. Don’t worry. My chef made fabulous meals and snacks for us. I assure you we won’t grow hungry. And if you get too tired, we can go retire on the king-sized bed where we can get to know each other even better.”

I glanced at our combined hands. The bastard was squeezing, enjoying every moment of trying to make me feel uncomfortable.

“I’m not certain you can handle me,” I retorted.

“I think you know better.”

He was settled deeper into the seat, doing nothing more than basking in a win. “So, I didn’t bring that many clothes with me since I was kidnapped.”

“Don’t worry. Where we’re going is a full-service resort. You’ll have everything that little black heart of yours requires, including discipline as needed.”

I took a few seconds before responding. “Answer me a question.”

“Anything, sugar britches.”

I’d always had a vivid imagination. All the ways I’d thought about ripping out his eyeballs were vivid and colorful. Right now, I was getting my most creative idea yet. “Are you always this insufferable?”

He leaned over, pushing our arms together, his head far too close. “Always. It’s one of the most lovable things about me.”

I had to admit as I was grinding my teeth, he was truly the most memorable man I’d ever met.

But not always in a good way.

“How long are you going to keep me your captive?”

“As long as it takes.”

“For what? For me to sell out my father and his company? For me provide you with carte blanche permission to take the two or five accounts your father has attempted, very unscrupulously I might add, to steal away?”

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