Page 106 of Royal Mistake

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“I appreciate your kind words.” I hesitated, trying not to laugh from seeing her scrunched-up face. She’d already pegged the guy as I had early on myself.

“I hate to cut this short, Mr. Royal, but I dragged my assistant in here very early on a Saturday for an important business call from Italy and I would hate to keep my client waiting.”

“Then I’ll make this short, Jack. We happen to be two highly profitable firms located on opposite coasts. While you are somewhat more diversified than the Royal Corporation, although we are involved in several lucrative ventures, we both own full media production firms.”

He seemed confused by what I was saying.

“I’m sorry, Valerio,” he answered, taking the cue to make the call more personal. “I’ve yet to have my normal allotment of coffee. If you don’t mind, help me understand what you are saying.”

“It’s simple, Jack. You will no longer attempt to go behind my back purchasing shares in your pathetic effort for a hostile takeover.”

His silence meant I’d caught him off guard. Good.

Unfortunately, he made the mistake of laughing.

“Valerio. Come now. You’re a big boy as well as a medium-size fish in the water. You know the score. I’m simply abiding by my board of directors’ wishes. I offered your father decent money to sell the firm, but he refused to talk to me about it. And I assure you that the offer was more than fair, especially given the rumors floating around about your father and certain ugliness in his past. And of course, you, his oldest son who wanted nothing to do with his father’s company. Here at Harbour, we’ve decided to venture into sunny California. I’m growing weary of the winters in New York. Mark my words, Valerio. We will soon be a force to be reckoned with, especially since we are already in the process of purchasing another firm. Perhaps you know it. Task Force United? If I remember correctly, the owner is your fiancée’s father. Yes?”

There was obvious glee in the man’s voice. When Selena started to interject, I pressed my index finger across her lips. Now I believed her silence would be to our benefit.

One of many things I was good at was putting pieces of a puzzle together. I also excelled in the art of bullshit, something my father had insisted all three boys learn.

He’d been right to push us. So, with a smile on my face, I leaned over my cellphone. “I’m sorry to inform you this way, Jack, but Mr. Michaels’ company is also not for sale. I think you’re going to need to bark up another media firm’s tree. Unless of course you’d prefer answering to the district attorney of New York regarding the extortion your firm has been involved with over the last few years.”

The silence was more than golden. I’d discovered enough information and had talked to a couple of buddies still located in the Big Apple to know Banner’s firm and family had many enemies themselves. And when pressed, they’d alluded as to why, even without proof.

“You don’t know shit, Valerio, and I wouldn’t try and jump in the game with the likes of me. You’re not qualified to be a pinch hitter.”

I laughed as if I didn’t have a care in the world. “Do your research, Jack, my boy. I happen to be very good friends with the mayor and several judges within your jurisdiction who would be happy to use the information I’ve gathered. If you push me of course. If not, then I’ll allow you to enjoy your coast while I rule mine. Have a great meeting and weekend but I strongly suggest you heed my advice.”

I ended the call, pleased with myself.

“My father wanted me to work with him so he could get the firm ready to sell. Isn’t that the truth? He didn’t give me the opportunity to say whether I wanted it or not. Don’t say it, Valerio. I know I made it very clear I wanted nothing to do with the firm, but he wasn’t even going to give me a chance.”

“First of all, miss cupcake, Jack Banner is a card player just like I am. He was spinning a tale to try and convince me to back down so he could roll in on a chariot of fire. Second, if there is any truth to the accusation, my guess is your father wanted to work with you to try and convince you to take a leap of faith and push aside your dreams.”

“Which he knew I wouldn’t do.”

“It’s time to concentrate on the next phase of our plan, including our wedding. The gauntlet has been pitched down twice. It’s time to see what’s done with it.”

She took my hand as I helped her rise from the table. “I’m curious. Is any of what you told Mr. Banner at the end the truth?”

I shrugged before leading her to the door. “Possibly.”

She stopped short, lifting her head. “You are very good at bluffing, but you’re lucky you have me.”

“Why is that?”

“Because what we need now isn’t poker, it’s chess.”



Time wasn’t really relative when it came to living a lie.

And that’s exactly what I was doing with Valerio.

Or maybe I should call it playing house.

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