Page 84 of Shackled

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They're coming.



I pace back and forth in the Romanov’s study, the weight of everything pressing heavily on me.

I'm pregnant.

Javier is using us against each other.

Lev and I have broken up publicly.

He loves me

I'm pregnant.

The decision to break up with him was a calculated and necessary move… But still, pain lingers a bit, like a fresh wound that only deepens my resolve to face the threat against us.

I will not be held back. I am Isabella Morales Romanova, and no one will hold me back.

"Let's get you something to eat,” Polina says. “And you need to be doctored up. Are you alright?”

I nod, wiping away tears on my cheeks. I don't have to feign heartbreak because I am heartbroken.

Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones. I want Lev. I want to be right with him again. I want him not to be a jerk who fucks shit up on me.

I want my husband.

Meanwhile, my mind is working relentlessly to find any clue that could turn the tide in our favor. I'm working through every possibility in my mind.

What is Javier’s plan of attack? He’s coming here, that I know. He’ll attack the Romanovs and likely come straight for me. They’re his enemies, but I betrayed him. There is no greater crime one could commit.

I feel like the knowledge of how to stay ahead of him is right at my fingertips. Right beyond my reach. I know there’s more here than meets the eye… but what?

I can’t think beyond the strange mix of nausea and hunger that’s affecting my concentration.

Polina brings me some food but doesn’t ask questions or push. She knows what her brothers are like.

I take a nap, half expecting that I’m not going to be able to fall asleep, but I guess pregnancy takes more out of you than you’d think. It’s warm and comfortable here in the guest room. I close my eyes.

Something happens during my nap as if my brain waves fire, and disparate thoughts knit themselves together while I’m sleeping. Because I wake up with an answer to a question, I wasn’t sure I had.

It’s the map.

The map.

When we were in his office making love, the maps crinkled beneath us. There were places marked where Javier struck. Lev’s been poring over it.

That map. I need to look at that map again.

I call Aria. She answers on the first ring.

“What’s up? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I need to see into Lev’s office. Do you have cameras in there?”

“Honey, you do not put cameras in the Romanov boys’ offices. Are you kidding? They’d murder me.”

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