Page 69 of Lords of Betrayal

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“It should be on a logo.” He smiles, holding a curled hand aloft, “The Benedetti and Fortuna Family Enterprise. A little bit of tweaking and you’ve got a good name for a Wall Street bank.”

As he laughs I can’t stop myself smiling back. Here comes his second proposition. The first was going to be about the charity, but I headed him off.

“Is that your plan, bella Donna? Do you want to take your families into the corporate world?”

I’m sensing a destination approaching.

I tell him, “We’re business people, Don Romano. All of us. We will do the best business that we can in any situation.”

His eyelids lower as he looks at me. “The race for the governors mansion is wide open. We should get together and make sure that we have a candidate who’s going to be most suitable for our interests.”

And you think we’re going to be able to agree what those interests are, Romano?” I ask him. “Those interests of ours that you are talking about.

“I don’t think it will be hard for us to find some thanks. Things in the scope of this thing of ours.”

“I don’t involve myself in politics, Don Romano. I don’t trust politicians. I’m always keep to know more about the people who run our civic affairs, and the contenders, but I won’t express a view.”

He gives me a sly look, but I’m not going to be drawn. “My father said that if you give encouragement to a politician, all you’re doing is feeding a snake. You’ll have to deal with a snake when he’s in office, whether you like it or not. It’s not wise to nourish him before he even gets there.”

The Don is about to speak. I cut him off. “That means it’s not wise for me. I would be acting outside my code. With your philosophy, I’m sure it is prudent for you to encourage your man.” I smile. “We all must live by the lights that we trust. those that have guided us here.”

“You’ve shown me your wealth and culture, Don Romano. You’ve given me a glimpse of your skills and accomplishments. And your power.” I dip my head a little. “Very impressive they all are. As well as kidnapping me,”

“I prefer to think of it as an invitation. Forceful, perhaps…”

“When I kidnap you, Don Romano, you can tell me how you’d like to think of it. Meanwhile, what I’m trying to figure out is whether you did all this to seduce me, or woo me, or if you’re preparing the ground for a takeover bid.”

He spreads his hands. “We could co operate more.”

I tell him, “That would be nice.”

Then Don Romano mentions, “What everybody is calling ‘the Chicago Offer.’”

Everybody? Uncle Jerry really has been putting himself about. Has he been around, shopping a deal, I wonder?

He takes a step closer. “Look, I’m going to put my cards on the table. If Chicago wants a piece of the Pacific Northwest action, I’m all for it. Expansion is a great thing. But it has to go through the right channels. Normally, you would expect that to be Pucci, but I think his focus is in other areas. His mind is on other things and his head’s not in the game right now.”

“Too busy boiling frogs, you think?”

Don Romano presses on. “I say, if we can come to an understanding, you and I, then why would we need him. Right?”

I lift an eyebrow. He says, “I can deal with Chicago direct. You can work alongside me. We’ll have this whole district, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, the entire Pacific Northwest region to carve up between us. There’s more than enough to go round. Am I right?”


When we return to the compound and the sleek supervillain house, We’re met by Ed and Dario.

My phone rings in my pocket. At the same time, dots of red light appear in the center of the two men’s foreheads.

As I’m fishing for my phone, in my jacket pocket, inside the big leather coat, Don Romano is attempting to stifle a grunt of outrage. He tells his sons, “Keep very still.” Their eyes stretch wide.

I look at them and nod. “Your father is right. I would keep very still.” they look suddenly cold.

My phone screen has Alessio’s picture. I press Accept the call and hold the phone to my ear.

“Are you alright, Princess.”

“I’m fine, thank you, Alessio. I was just getting ready to leave in fact.”

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