Page 28 of Shore Leave

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“I want to be there,” her voice is fierce and strong. Somehow I know she’s not going to budge on her demand.

“I’m not sure if I can make that happen, Ink, but I’ll talk to Lucifer and ask.”

She nods and burrows deeper into my body as if that would be enough to prevent the world from finding us. If only.

“Is that your sketch book?” She points to the pad of paper on my nightstand. When I grunt, she wiggles a little in my lap like she’s excited before asking, “Will you show me?”

Fuck. I’ll do anything to distract her from the news I’ve just given her. I also know that showing her my work, especially what is in that book, might just be what I need to do to get me one step closer to making my claim on her official and unbreakable.

And that is how I find myself showing the woman of my fucking dreams all the sketches that I made of her while I was on the rig with only her soul to get me through, even though it felt like sand sifting through my fingers and draining quickly. I make sure to watch her face as I show her each sketch. There is longing, love, and pride in her eyes.

That makes me feel like a little bit more of her wall crumbles and I get a little bit closer to what I ultimately want.

Her. Always her.



My woman’s arms tighten around my waist as we pull into the parking lot of the gas station that’s next to the shit motel where her sister should be. As much as I know she wants to be here, this is as close as I’m going to let her get. I’m already on edge being in this area of the city with my woman.

If I didn’t have my brothers watching my back along with my woman’s back, this shit would not be happening.

An hour ago, when I took her down to Lucifer’s office, knowing he would be the one to approve her involvement, I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to agree or refuse. Fuck, I’m still not sure, but it’s far too late to do anything differently than we already are.

Lucifer’s voice was filled with kindness as he studied my woman and asked, “How you doing, sweet girl?”

Emery sighed and grabbed my hand for support. I wasn’t even sure if she was aware of what she was doing. Not that I was going to turn down any reason to touch her.

“I’m not sure,” she admitted quietly.

“It’s okay to be conflicted. Remember, just because we’re going to follow through with helping Jennifer because of Dot, doesn’t mean you’re required to have a relationship with her.”

The tension in my woman seemed to lessen with his words and I shot him a grateful look. “I can’t imagine a time when I’ll want to try to repair what is broken between us, but I also can’t say it’ll never happen. However, if something were to happen to her and she passed, then I’d never even have the chance of it happening. That’s,” she paused like she was trying to get control of her emotions, “the best I can do right now.”

“It’s enough,” Apostle assured her from where he was standing and leaning against the wall of Lucifer’s office.

She gave the man a small smile that had me wanting to rip his head off, not giving a single fuck that he already has an old lady. Emery sat up a little straighter and squared her shoulders, “I want to be there.”

I swallowed down my reaction because she had already mentioned this to me. As much as I wanted to put my foot down and stop her from being there, I also understood where she was coming from. Could I really refuse her something like this?

“No,” Loot growled which surprised me. From the look my woman shot him, it surprised her as well.

“She’s my sister,” Emery snarled.

“We don’t know what we’re going to find or who is going to be around. There’s no way we’re putting you in danger,” Loot growled as he looked at me like I should be the one telling my woman no. “Just because you’re paying penance for your bad decisions doesn’t mean you can’t put your foot down when you need to.”

“Put his foot down?” Emery’s question was filled with incredulity, not unwarranted either. She narrowed her eyes and glared at the man. “Are you against it because I’m a woman? If I were Jennifer’s brother, would you be taking the same stance.”

“Fuck,” Loot breathed out as he rubbed a hand over his face.

“Look, I’m not asking for a gun, even though I know how to use one,” that part had me looking at her in surprise. She smirked at me and shrugged one shoulder. “It was something I did to bond with my dad, but Jen was never interested in that and would whine about the possibility of breaking a nail.”

Lucifer chuckled along with Aposlte and Prodigal who was watching everything unfold like it was a fucking tennis match. “We definitely wouldn’t be giving you a gun, sweet girl.”

Emery flashed him a big grin before turning back to Loot. “I’m not saying I want to be on the front line, but you also don’t know what state she’s going to be in and seeing someone she knows might be helpful. After any threat is taken care of; if there is one.”

Loot’s shoulders slumped and I gave my woman’s hand a squeeze. Could a man glow with pride? I’m pretty sure I was definitely fucking glowing in that moment.

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