Page 18 of Shore Leave

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Then maybe you shouldn’t have run out of the clubhouse like your ass was literally on fire.


And believe me, Aunt Dot gave me a whole bunch of shit about it all the way back to her place before I headed to my apartment that holds far too many memories of my time spent with Kade considering we were only together for a handful of hours.

This whole thing makes me feel pathetic and I don’t like it one bit.

I could hardly fucking breathe with how close he was to me the other night. Everything was so damn overwhelming.

The way he looked at me. Like I was the inventor of gravity.

The way he smelled. Like I was coming home.

The way he made me feel safe. Like all I need in this world to protect me is his large frame and his will to make it so.

Talk about a damn mind fuck.

In the matter of a few moments, Kade made his possessiveness all too clear. And his desire for me.

But where was that for the last three months? Where the hell was that man?

I’m not sure if my heart could take him disappearing on me again. Was he gone because of the club? Was it his job on the rig?

I shake off my thoughts and make the stencils for the clients I have tomorrow. Again. Because I keep fucking something up. The first time I tried to complete the task, I used sketches for clients I have on my books for next week.

Yeah, a few minutes in Kade’s presence and I’m all out of sorts.

I should go home considering I’m done for the day. The problem is that I know my thoughts are only going to be worse if I go home. There I don’t even have the pretense of work to attempt to keep my mind off a certain aquamarine eyed man who manages to turn my entire being into knots with some growls and intense eye contact.

“Fuck,” I grunt under my breath, “what the fuck is wrong with me?”

“Nothing’s wrong with you Ink,” Kade’s voice floats in the air from the doorway and I spin towards him so fast that I almost go careening off my stool. He reaches for me as I get my wayward body under control and fix him with a glare that promises pain if he touches me. He holds his hands up in surrender, his expression contrite, but also a little amused. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“How long have you been standing there?” Did I hiss that question out? I’ll never fucking tell.

“Long enough to get a really good look at my woman,” his words are sincere as is the heat in his gaze.

I duck my head because being confronted by everything that is Kade is almost too much for my little heart to handle right now. With a shake of my head and a slashing of my hands through the air, I bat away his words. But it’s not enough to stop them from sinking deep into my soul.

“Not your woman,” I grit out, even though it’s almost impossible and they taste like a lie on my tongue.

“Yes. You are my woman,” he enunciates each word like they’re bullets he’s firing at me.

I tug at the threads of bravery within myself, ones that don’t come willingly or easily, and force myself to look him in the eye. “Considering you ran out on me three months ago, there’s no way I’m your woman.”

Kade’s shoulders slump, but it’s not in resignation, but relief. “Fucking finally,” he mutters.

My eyebrows shoot up toward my hairline in surprise. “Finally?” I don’t mean to, but it’s difficult to keep the screech out of my voice, “What the fuck does that mean?”

I should be quieter since the walls in this shop are paper thin and I don’t need to give my boss any more reason to be a dick to me. But come on. Fucking ‘finally’? Really?

“Now that it’s out there, in the open between us, we can talk about it, and I can set this shit right.”

I glare at the man in front of me, my brain having trouble processing the words that just came out of his mouth. I couldn’t possibly have heard him correctly. Right?

When I don’t say anything, Kade steps farther into my space. Just when I think he’s going to loom over me with his broad shoulders and his chiseled perfection—which is exactly what his body is because I remember—he drops down to his haunches in front of me.

My god the man is gorgeous. It’s really not fair. He has the whole bad boy thing down with the leather cut, strong jaw, and anguish filled eyes.

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