Page 17 of Shore Leave

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Emery’s voice is small, but no less powerful to my ears, “Church?”

Lucifer’s eyes soften as he looks at my girl. No doubt he sees the same thing I do—she’s ready to bolt. The worst part is that I know I’ll have to let her go. For now.

“It’s what we call our club meetings,” he tells her gently like she’s fragile. From the look on his face, it’s clear to me he’s not judging her, or the vulnerability written on her features. I think he respects her more for it. She nods her head in understanding as my gut twists this way and that.

I clear my throat and meet Lucifer’s gaze. “I’d like to help find Jen.”

Emery stiffens but doesn’t say anything. I’m not sure what has her lips thinning but I don’t like it. Not gonna lie, I do want to find Jen for Dot, but it’s not lost on me that Emery doesn’t seem as enthusiastic about finding her sister. I’m sure there’s a story there and I’ll find out what it is at some point.

Right now, my only concern is having an excuse to be close to my woman. If her sister’s disappearance is that reason, I’m good with it.

Lucifer gives me a nod as Dot gushes, “Thank you, Driller. I really appreciate it and,” she shoots a meaningful look Emery’s way, “I’m sure my niece does as well.”

My woman makes a humming sound and tries to lean away from me a little bit more. I’m not having it and sling my shoulder over the back of her chair. As much as I wish she’d melt back into my embrace, she doesn’t. I swear the woman is sitting stock straight to the point that I’m a little concerned for her back.

The warmth coming off my woman will have to be enough to keep me going. Hell, it’s more than I’ve had in the last three months. Nothing else seems to matter other than the way she feels next to me. I make a silent vow to do everything in my power to make this woman look at me again, forgive me for the way I fucked up three months ago, and fall for me.

Anything less is unacceptable.

The next thing I know, Dot is standing, and Emery shoots out of her chair, throws a wave to Loot, and is practically sprinting out of the clubhouse. She doesn’t even look back to make sure her aunt is following her.

Dot chuckles before giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze as she walks by me. “Fair warning, young man, my niece is stubborn.” I look up at her, hoping for something, anything, that might help me here. “She’s also worth it.”

“I know,” I tell her honestly. “I fucked up three months ago and then was out working on an oil rig.” Dot’s eyes soften in understanding when I mention my job. “I’m going to make it right. She’s mine and I’ll never treat her like anything less.”

“Good,” she coos. “That means I won’t have to hurt you,” she deadpans. The men around the table and the ones close enough to hear her threat chuckle. “Let me know if you need help with that charity calendar, Lucifer,” she addresses our Prez with a huge smile on her face and a wicked glint in her eye.

Then she’s gliding out the door to catch up with her niece. I want to run after my woman, but I hold myself back. Barely. Since Loot knows where she works and Lucifer grabbed her phone number along with Dot’s, she won’t be lost to me anymore.

I can feel the weight of my brother’s eyes on me as I stare at the clubhouse door with longing strumming through my heart.

I don’t bother looking at them as I tell them, “I met her three months ago at The Sanctuary. Spent the night with her but knew it was a fuck-ton more from the moment I saw her. When I got an emergency call because someone was hurt on the rig and I was needed, I fucked up and left without waking her up or leaving her a note. It’s been eating me up every single moment since then.”

“She’s a tattoo artist,” Loot provides as he plops down in the chair Dot vacated.

“Just makes her even more perfect,” my voice is thick with emotion. “I’m claiming her. She’s going to be my old lady.”

There’s a chuckle in Prodigal’s voice, “Maybe after you grovel.”

I grin at the thought. I don’t have a problem making it right with my woman. And I’ll do whatever I need to do to make sure she never wants to run from me again.

“What about the rig?” Lucifer’s question pulls my attention away from the door of the clubhouse.

“I’m done with it,” I admit. “I’ve known for a while that I need a change. Emma is graduating soon, and Miley is right behind her next year. I can’t keep doing this shit to my body. Everything fucking hurts,” I groan.

“And it’s time for you to chase your own dreams,” Lucifer reminds me.

He’s not fucking wrong. As I look at my Prez, something crosses his face, but it’s there and gone too quickly to figure out what it means.

Hell yes, it’s time to chase my dreams. Now, it’s not only my dream. I’m going to make sure my woman gets everything she’s ever wanted and a lifetime of love to go along with it.



My art has been the only thing that has kept my mind off Kade and the way the warmth of his body made me feel alive for the first time in three months a few days ago. Honestly, my art was barely enough, and I found my mind drifting far too much for my liking. The barrage of questions floating around in my head is not helping matters.

How the hell was he just there? Where the fuck has he been for the last three months? He told me he was going back out to work but that he had a week until that happened. I need some fucking answers.

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