Page 11 of Shore Leave

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It doesn’t really matter now though.

The ironic thing—the house Mom lives in is owned by the club. They paid off the mortgage and put it in the club’s name to ensure all taxes and shit were taken care of. She never said shit about that or even tried to buy it from Lucifer.

But then she refused any other help from the club and shunned them and every member. Hell, she even turned her back on Cherise—Lucifer’s old lady—and they were friends back before Dad died.

Was she always so fucking bitter? Or was that just because Dad died?

It’s hard to remember now.

I don’t bother knocking when I get to the front door. When I enter the living room, I find Miley watching some reality show that’ll probably rot your brain while Emma is focused on her phone. Their eyes light up when their heads snap up and they see me.

The moment their bodies collide with mine in a flurry of excited squeals and wonderings about how I am and when I got back. Love wraps around us, and I let it sink into my soul. With our age difference, I’ve always felt like a little more than a brother when it comes to my sisters.

It’s hard on them being home with Mom. Her bitterness doesn’t just manifest in the way she’s treated the DSMC. But there hasn’t been a lot I could do about it. At least Lucifer kept his eye on the situation as much as he could.

“Missed you, little squirts,” I mumble and squeeze them just a little bit harder. “Got in last night, but it was late. I just crashed at the clubhouse.”

“Stop fawning over your brother,” Mom’s voice is sharp and barbed like a whip.

The girls, clearly startled, jump back from me and I don’t even try to stop myself from frowning. Mom’s eyes are cutting as she looks me over. I swear I can hear the disgusting commentary running through her mind and I’m sure it all starts with the club since I’m wearing my cut.

She’s just going to have to get over it.

“I see you made it home safely, Kade,” Mom’s voice is curt.

No warmth.

No relief.

No love.

Fucking hell.

“I did,” I keep my voice even, but it’s not easy. I want to yell at her. Hell, part of me wants to beg for some scrapes of affection. But I won’t. Not to her. There’s no reason to set yourself up for disappointment. I look at Emma and smile. “I’m home for three months this time to help celebrate your graduation and the last summer before you start on a whole new chapter in your life.”

Emma’s eyes fill with unshed tears while Miley does some sort of happy and victory dance wrapped up in one. While Emma’s reaction has my heart cracking, my youngest sister has me letting out a low chuckle.

“Three months?” Mom’s voice doesn’t even border on shrill—it’s so far over the line that a ringing follows the sound. “How the hell do you think we can survive if you’re taking three months off. How selfish can you be?”

Emma gasps, her tone full of censorship, “Mom.”

I reach out and give my sister’s arm a gentle squeeze. There’s no reason for her to get in the middle of this shit. Not now, not ever.

“Don’t worry. I got a nice bonus since I had to go back out a little early. I’ve also saved up plenty of PTO days over the years. You won’t even notice a difference other than my presence,” there’s an acidic edge in my voice.

Miley reaches over and grabs my pinkie, giving it a squeeze. It’s something we started when she was just small. It’s a reminder that we’re right here for each other and that we’ll never be alone.


My 17-year-old sister should not feel the need to reassure me. Yet here she is.

Before she can drop her hand to her side fully, I grip her pinkie and give her the same reassurance she just gave me.

“Well,” Mom huffs, “I guess that’s fine then.”

I arch an eyebrow in challenge. Of course it’s fucking fine. I’m a grown ass man and soon the girls won’t even be under her roof. Emma got a full fucking ride to Tulane since she didn’t want to be far from Miley. Thankfully, she’s going to be staying on campus.

Even if she hadn’t gotten a scholarship, Lucifer informed me a few years ago that the club was going to cover both of my sister’s education. I never mentioned it to Mom and figured I would just go behind her back if it was needed.

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