Page 48 of Married in Rage

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“What?” he laughed, pushing his hair out of his eyes with his hands. “It’s not like I’m asking for LSD or cocaine. Lighten up, big bro.”

A vein started to throb in Agastya’s temple. Priyanka stepped into the breach as always. “Guys, you know what would be fun? Let’s play a game.”

Harsh groaned. “I’ll throw you off the terrace if you say ‘Truth or Dare’”

She sniffed. “I was going to suggest Pictionary.”

“Are you going to draw with your finger in midair?” he asked her politely.

“Fine Mr. Party Maniac. You come up with something.”

“Easy.” He tossed a cigarette in the air and caught it in his mouth on its way down. “Let’s play strip poker.”

A chorus of groans and ‘nos’ sounded from everyone.


“That sounds like fun.” Raashi smiled at him, making eye contact with him for the first time since he’d appeared on the terrace.

And his vacuum bubble popped.




She wasn’t sure what had gotten into her, but Raashi had an indescribable urge to poke the bear. Or in this case, the surly, shaggy golden retriever glaring at her.

“No one is playing strip poker,” Agastya muttered irately.

Harsh grinned, a slow, lazy sneer that had a wave of heat sweeping through Raashi. He didn’t look away from her as he replied to Agastya. “Worried you’re going to end up naked, Big Brother?”

“Worried I’ll need to gouge my eyes out after seeing you naked,” Agastya retorted.

“How does Trivial Pursuit sound?” Veda asked.

Harsh stiffened beside Raashi and she had the weirdest urge to take his hand and squeeze. Instead, she shoved her rebellious hands into her track pockets, clenching them into fists for good measure. She glanced at his tight expression and knew she had to do something to derail her sister’s nerdy interests. He met her eyes and looked away.

“Oh please,” she said, trying to sound bored and snarky. “Don’t make me wipe the floor with you lot.”

“The arrogance!” Veda laughed.

“The confidence!” Harsh corrected her smiling slowly, his body warmth enveloping Raashi as he stepped closer to her, slinging one arm over her shoulders. “Whatever we play, I’m on her team.”

“Which brings me back to-“

“Don’t say Truth or Dare,” Harsh warned.

“You have any suggestions smartass?” Veda glared, the night breeze blowing her long hair into her eyes.

“Yes,” Harsh replied. “We could just drink and hang out. Is that so hard to do for a bunch of over achievers like you lot?”

For a second they all just stared at him, their overthinking brains trying to compute the concept of doing nothing.

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” he said in disgust. “Let’s play Pictionary. There’s a set in my room we can use.”

He did better with pictures than words. Drawing he could do. Drawing he was good at. Sadly, ten minutes into his game, he realised drawing was not in his partner’s otherwise formidable skillset.

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