Page 47 of Married in Rage

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Priyanka lasered a wicked glance in his direction. “I can get Anna to come and drag you up there.”

Harsh groaned, pushing himself off the bed and shoving his feet into his bedroom slippers. “You’re such a bully.”

“Move it. Move it.” Priyanka prodded him in his back as he stomped past her.

Harsh growled and wrapped an arm around her neck putting her in a headlock.

“Kindly unhand my wife.” Aarush strolled up to them as the siblings wrestled in the corridor outside his room.

“Not a chance,” Harsh retorted, striding along with Priyanka dangling from his grip. She pummeled his stomach with her bony fists. He winced. She really was a lot stronger than she looked.

Veda appeared at the top of the stairs, her glance taking in the scene without a flicker. “Hurry up,” she hissed. “Mamagaru is still in his study. We don’t want to get caught.”

“Why? Is he going to ground us if he catches us?” Harsh asked, just as Priyanka dug her fingers into his side and pinched, her crab like pincers making him squeal. He let go of her in a hurry and stepped away.

“And you thought your wife needed protecting!” Harsh glowered at Aarush while rubbing his hurting side. “Unhand my wife it seems.”

Aarush laughed. “I was trying to protect you from her, idiot. The woman is lethal.”

They made their bickering, laughing way up to the terrace where Agastya waited for them. Harsh’s smile slipped a fraction when he saw who was keeping his brother company.

Raashi had changed out of her femme fatale outfit and was back in soft track pants and a tank top. The hair was still new, but her glasses had reappeared, much to his relief. She looked like Raashi again. Except, it was like looking at Raashi through a filter. She was the same, and yet, she was not. It made no sense.

“Beer?” Agastya asked, holding a bottle up as if the rest of them were morons who wouldn’t know what a beer was otherwise.

Harsh shook his head. Being around Raashi tonight was already making him feel punch drunk. He didn’t need to add alcohol to the mix.

“Vodka? Whiskey? Gin?” Apparently, his brother had a regular bar set up here. Who knew he was even capable of that?

“Got any weed?” he asked, the urge to poke at his brother rising to the fore.

Agastya gave him a frosty look. “I’ll kick your fucking arse-“

“He’s joking,” Veda said hastily, dragging Agastya away.

He was…Kind of. He glanced at Raashi for a second before his gaze skittered away. Looking at her felt like touching a live wire…too bright, too sharp, too much.

“Got a light?”

Harsh turned towards the new voice. “Virat!” He threw his arms around the other man, his brother’s best friend and now Harsh’s too.

“You didn’t think I’d let you get married without demanding to witness the miracle with my own eyes, did you?” Virat teased.

“Hi, I’m Raashi.”

The bees were back, swarming, stinging, funneling poison into his bloodstream. She came to stand next to him and he shifted slightly, ensuring she wasn’t too close to him. He felt her stiffen more than saw it and knew she’d noted his miniscule movement.

“Hi Raashi, I’m Virat.” He flashed her his rare smile and Harsh heard Raashi catch her breath at the other man’s obvious good looks. His mood soured further. Virat continued, “My deepest condolences.”

Raashi frowned. “You mean congratulations.”

“No. He means condolences.” Agastya joined them, a bottle of beer dangling from one hand. He pointed at Harsh with his beer bottle. “You are marrying that one, after all.”

A familiar vacuum opened up around Harsh, a bubble of space where he could hear nothing, feel nothing, and hopefully, see nothing too.

“You guys have no idea how to have fun. What’s a party without some weed?” he asked.

“Cut it out, Harsh.” Agastya looked ready to snap.

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