Page 49 of Married in Deceit

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Exhaustion and stress dragged at his feet as Agastya made his slow, plodding way into the house. He wanted to fall into bed and snuggle his wife and forget about the world for the rest of the night. He wished Ganesh goodnight and walked into this home, Naresh flanking him while carrying his laptop bag.

Agastya walked into the darkened front hall, his tired eyes sweeping through the space and seeing no one. A single lamp glowed on the corner table, clearly having been left on for him. He heard Naresh murmuring to the helper who’d come running at the sound of their entry and then Naresh was wishing him goodnight too and leaving. The helper followed Naresh to lock up the house for the night.

And Agastya stood there alone. His gaze went up to the massive chandelier that hung above his head. When his father had wanted to buy it, Agastya had been horrified. It was crass and gaudy and rather obviously shaped like a phallus. A fact that Harsh made a point of mentioning at the drop of a hat.

Shall we meet under the dick before we leave?

Have you seen our dick light?

Did I tell you about how my father decided to have a dick measuring contest and then decided to fashion the same in glass?

Agastya snorted with laughter, a tired sound.

“Sir.” The helper was back, clearly waiting for Agastya to leave so he could retire for the night too.

Agastya nodded at him, murmuring a goodnight before hauling his sorry ass up the stairs to his suite of rooms. He rubbed a hand over his neck, a jaw cracking yawn escaping him.

He shouldered the door open and wandered into the dark room, stubbing his toe on a table leg. “Fuck!” he muttered, consciously keeping his voice low so he didn’t wake Veda. He stumbled towards the bathroom, gratefully switching on the light so he could see where he was going. A quick shower later, he was feeling better and marginally more human. He pulled on a pair of tracks, didn’t bother with a t-shirt and made his way back to the room.

Veda hadn’t put the air conditioner on which surprised him because the woman liked the room to be at the same temperature as the Arctic. Slipping into bed, he reached for her, wanting nothing more than to put his arms around her, bury his face in her hair and fall asleep.

Except, his hand met nothing but air and cool, crisp sheets. For a heartbeat, he patted the sheet like she was going to magically appear beneath his palm. And then it truly sank in. She wasn’t here!

What the fuck? Agastya sat up in bed and turned on the nightlamp on his bedside table. The glow from the light showed him what he already knew. The room was empty. He grabbed for his phone and thumbed through his unread messages and missed calls. Had he missed something from Veda?

All he saw was a message asking him if he was coming home and another one saying ‘How’s this for something to call you? Dickhead?’

Okayyy, she was mad at him about something but where was she? There were no messages telling him that.

Was she okay? Panic swam through his veins as he dialed her number. It rang for an eternity but she didn’t pick up. He typed out a quick message, asking her if she was okay and to let him know where she was. He saw the two ticks that told him the message was delivered but they never turned blue.

A muscle ticked in his jaw as he tried her number again. It was two o’ clock in the morning. What the hell had happened to her? Where was she?

When this call went unanswered too, he dialed Ganesh.

“Sir.” Ganesh picked up on the first ring.

“Do you have any idea where Veda is?” Agastya asked without preamble.

“Uhh, no Sir,” Ganesh sounded befuddled. “Was I supposed to know where she is?”

“Send me the number of her security. The main fellow.”

“Sending it now.”

Agastya disconnected before Ganesh had even finished speaking. The minute the contact hit his phone, he was dialing the number.

“This is Agastya Kodela,” he said in Telugu before the other man could finish stammering out his hello. “Where is Veda Madam?”

“She is walking into the house, Sir.”

Relief flooded through him. She was safe. She was home. She was fine. The relief quickly burned away on a flood of anger. Was she really that thoughtless, that immature that she would go out till so late without informing anybody? And then not take his calls or reply to his messages?

He sat up in bed, back ramrod straight, temper swirling through him, and watched the door, waiting for her to walk through. He heard her before she even reached the end of the corridor that led to their suite of rooms. The tap tapping of her heels felt like an ice pick stabbing his brain.

And then he saw the doorhandle turn, slowly as if she was reluctant to enter the room. Well, she should be, he thought, fury overriding his common sense.

Veda stepped into the room and he momentarily lost his train of thought. She looked gorgeous, stunningly, mouth wateringly gorgeous. Her dress fit her to perfection, every inch of her beautiful body draped in soft, supple fabric that moved with her every step.

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