Page 88 of The Alien Soldier

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A ration bar hit Fal’ran’s chest and fell into his lap.

“Eat,” Bar’in ordered as he braided the lock of hair at his temple.

“Thirsty,” Fal’ran managed around his dry tongue.

“Then drink.” Bar’in sat up, revealing the pack he’d been lounging on, and pulled out a bottle. “We don’t have much, though.”

Fal’ran found the energy to catch the bottle and took a swig large enough to clear the dust out of his mouth.

“How’s your head?” Sazahk paused in his science and eyed him.

Fal’ran evaluated. “Hurts.”

“Thought so.” Sazahk returned to swirling his dirty-water-filled test tube. “You probably have a nasty concussion considering how much time you lost. Can’t be that bad though, since your behavior hasn’t changed.”

“Unfortunately.” Bar’in grinned as settled back on his pack and Fal’ran lazily bared his teeth at him.

With his dry mouth taken care of, Fal’ran ripped open the ration bar and munched on it as he looked around. Sazahk had set up his equipment on a flat chunk of rock, Bar’in sat on the ground with his legs stretched out in front of him, and Tar’s huge outline was visible on the wall above them as he kept guard.

“Where’s Patrick?” Fal’ran asked around his second bite.

“Left to take a leak a couple of minutes ago.” Bar’in tossed his head at their open wall. “Don’t know how long that usually takes him, but it’s probably about time someone checked on him. I’d do it, but I’m not interested in seeing our brave leader’s cock.”

“You’re missing out.” Fal’ran crumpled his wrapper and stuffed it in a pocket. “It’s a good one.”

Bar’in wrinkled his nose. “I’ll take your word for it.”

Sazahk cocked his head at Bar’in. “You would have seen countless sets of genitals in your previous profession. Why the reluctance to see Patrick’s?”

Bar’in shifted farther down onto his pack and Fal’ran hid his shock at the embarrassment wafting off him. “It’s different when they’re attached to actual people.”

“People with whom you have a close relationship,” Sazahk clarified, and Bar’in scowled.

“Let’s not go using words like ‘close’ or ‘relationship’.”

Fal’ran laughed and stood, brushing the dust from his ass. “I’ll go look for Patrick. And I’ll be sure to tell him you care about him so much you don’t even want to see his penis.”

“Oh, shut up,” Bar’in muttered and his dusky skin darkened.

Fal’ran snickered as he stepped out onto the ancient street. For a moment, he considered returning for a light, but his eyes adjusted.

He wandered to his right, where the block of buildings ended. The corner was far enough to conceal the sights and sounds of someone relieving themself but would still be lit by the moon.

He found Patrick standing alone, ten paces from the corner, pressing his back against the wall as though it were the only thing holding him up. He had his eyes clenched shut and his face tilted up to the sky.

“Patrick.” Fal’ran’s heart squeezed as he approached him. At the sound of his voice, Patrick’s chin dropped to his chest and his body slumped farther down the wall. “Come here.”

Patrick turned into Fal’ran’s chest when he reached him, and Fal’ran pulled into his arms. He nosed into his temple, inhaling the smell of his remorse and fear, and pressed his lips to his cheek.

“It’s not your fault,” Fal’ran murmured, curling his larger body around the human, shielding him from the world as completely as he could.

“Of course, it’s my fault.” Patrick tucked his forehead against Fal’ran’s neck and tangled his hands in the fabric at Fal’ran’s sides. “That’s part of being in charge. It’s always your fault.”

Fal’ran rested his chin on the top of his head and held him. Not long ago, Patrick wouldn’t have dared to show this weakness to him. Not long ago, Fal’ran would have gone for his jugular if he had.

Back then, breaking Patrick and watching him bleed out in front of him would have satisfied Fal’ran. But he was so much more satisfied now to hold him up. To know that when they returned to camp and Patrick had his chin up and his back straight that Fal’ran had helped him do it.

“You’re a talented actor.” Fal’ran played with the short hair on the back of Patrick’s neck. “That part of being in charge, too?”

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