Page 100 of The Alien Soldier

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“Fal’ran.” Patrick locked his arms around Fal’ran’s neck and thrust into his grip. He stared down at them sliding against each other, like he always did, like he needed to see it to believe it was really happening. It made Fal’ran’s heart trip over itself in pride and affection. “Shit, I—I love you, too.”

“I know.” Fal’ran sped up his hand, knowing they were both too wound up to last long, and that they didn’t have the time to drag it out, anyway. He closed his eyes and buried his nose in Patrick’s hair, drowning himself in the scent of Patrick Smith. Of home. Of his. “Fuck, I know.”

“Don’t stop.” Patrick tangled his fingers in Fal’ran’s thick hair. “Don’t stop, I’m—I’m gonna—”

“Me too. So close.” Fal’ran’s balls pulled up and his thighs trembled. “Patrick—”

Patrick’s cock pulsed against Fal’ran’s, and he shouted as he fell over the edge of orgasm. The feel of Patrick’s cum spurting over his cock and the sound of Patrick moaning in his ear catapulted Fal’ran after him. Pleasure flooded Fal’ran’s system as he smeared their spend along their lengths and milked them both dry. It chased away the stress and the pain and the fear and filled him for a few brief seconds with nothing but bliss and certainty and overwhelming affection.

He nuzzled the side of Patrick’s head, his voice coming out thick and slow. “We’re okay.”

Patrick hummed back and his softening cock twitched in Fal’ran’s grip. “We’re okay.”

After a few moments, Fal’ran chuckled. “This reminds me of the first time I made you come.”

Patrick laughed as he leaned back against the wall, spent but happy despite everything. “Why? Because it’s in a public place after a near death experience?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Fal’ran shrugged. He flicked cum off his hand—not into the idea of licking up cum plus antimicrobial cream plus alien spaceship dust plus Insect guts—and pulled bandages from the medkit.

“I admit, I see the similarities.” Patrick raised his arms and Fal’ran taped the bandages over the raw strips on Patrick’s torso. They needed real medical care as soon as possible, and extensive study on how human bodies reacted to acute Insect acid exposure, but stick-on bandage was all they had. “I’m still impressed that the four of you stowed away on and then took control of an Insect ship. Qeshian special forces have been trying to do that for months now.”

“Well, we have a pretty special qesh ourselves.” Fal’ran turned Patrick around and bandaged up his back. “And none of those other ships were trying to make a quick getaway with a human prisoner. Also, did the Qesh understand about the tentacles then?”

“I don’t think they did. We need to get that information back to Base Ship Givast.” Patrick dropped his arm when Fal’ran finished taping up his other side. “That’s what you should have prioritized over saving me.”

“I don’t want to hear it.” Fal’ran pulled out the one extra uniform they had. It was barely big enough for Tar, hilariously large on Bar’in and only a little less large on Patrick, but better than being naked. “Besides, we were still stranded out in the Dead Zone. Who knows how long it would have taken us to get back to civilization.” He passed the uniform to Patrick. “Now, Sazahk could have made contact and be telling them everything as we speak.”

Patrick nodded grimly and pulled on the pants and jacket. “There’s more to tell now, too.”

Fal’ran frowned. “What do you mean?”

“They didn’t know I understood them.” Patrick tapped the ear with his translator. He sidestepped Fal’ran and strode to the door, moving more confidently after an orgasm and some clothes. “Come on, I’ll tell the others, too. The more people with this information, the better.”

“Wait, Patrick.” Fal’ran caught Patrick’s wrist before he stepped out into the hall. “Let me just…”

He tugged the human closer, wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, and kissed him softly. Patrick made a pleased sound and leaned in, sliding his lips gently, luxuriously over Fal’ran’s. Alive. Safe. Together.

Fal’ran ended the kiss with a soft peck and bumped their noses. “I love you.” It was so easy to say it. Fal’ran could count on one hand the number of times he’d said it in his life, but now it rolled off his tongue as effortlessly as breathing. And as vitally.

Patrick grinned that boyish grin that lit up his face and made Fal’ran forget he was a scarred soldier. “I love you, too.”

“Okay, now we can go.” Fal’ran jerked his chin to motion Patrick down the hall. “Before Bar’in starts making Tar tear off antennae.”

“I’m more worried about Bar’in tearing off antennae himself.” Patrick retraced Fal’ran’s steps back to the control room. “Or Sazahk dissecting them alive because he just can’t help his curiosity.”

Fal’ran wrinkled his nose. “Sazahk wouldn’t do that.” Fal’ran was pretty sure Sazahk wouldn’t be able to hurt a real insect on purpose.

“No, of course he wouldn’t,” Patrick agreed. Then Sazahk’s seething voice spilled out from the open door of the control room and Patrick raised his eyebrows. “Although…”

Chapter Twenty

“How would I know that?” Sazahk cried. “We only took the ship five minutes ago and I’ve spent most of that time talking to all of you, answering inane questions—”

“Sazahk!” A tinny voice with a warning tone cut Sazahk off as Fal’ran and Patrick entered the room. Sazahk stood planted in front of his tablet, which he’d set standing on an Insect control panel. The voice continued from the weak tablet speakers. “Losing your temper—”

“Patrick! Finally!” Sazahk spun away and revealed the two screens on the tablet, each like a window into packed war rooms. “Deal with them.”

Sazahk stormed away to poke at an Insect panel next to Bar’in. Bar’in still guarded the hostages with Tar but they each gave Patrick and Fal’ran relieved looks when they returned.

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