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“Gun oil,” Sebastian whined and gave in to the temptation to twitch his hips to better feel just that suggestion of intrusion. “You have gun oil, don’t you?”

“Sebastian.” Hess took his hand out from between Sebastian’s thighs and put it firmly on Sebastian’s hip, ignoring Sebastian’s plaintive whimper. “I am not sticking gun oil inside you.”

“Why not?” Sebastian scowled and, after debating with himself for a moment, pouted out his lower lip. If he was going to beg to be fucked, he might as well do it properly. “It’s slick; it’ll work.”

“Because that can’t be good for you.” Hess took his hands from Sebastian’s throat and hip and gave him an unimpressed look. “It’s not exactly approved for internal use.”

“So?” Sebastian spread his arms wide. “At the rate I’m going, I’ll have run through this body in like two days. Who cares if it gets a little reaction?”

From Hess’s consternated look and lack of immediate rebuttal, Sebastian knew he’d found an opening.

“I’ll be fine with a little gun oil, Hess, or hell a lot of gun oil.” Sebastian pushed himself off the wall so he could get chest-to-chest with Hess again and wrap his fingers into the fabric of his shirt over his heart. He lowered his voice. “But I won’t be fine if I never find out what you’d do to me with it.”

“Sebastian.” Hess grabbed Sebastian’s wrist and pulled his hand off him, but not before Sebastian felt the way his heart had beat at his words.

Sebastian felt the bones of his wrist flex in Hess’s tight grasp, and he licked his lips. “What would you do to me, Hess?”

Finally, Hess growled and spun him around to face the wall. He shoved him toward it. “Take off your clothes, and you’ll find out.”

Sebastian barely managed to keep in his whoop of delight as he finally shoved his pants and underwear down to the floor. He toed his boots off and stripped off his shirt at the same time, and within seconds he had his forearms and forehead braced against the wall, ready for whatever Hess had in mind.

He heard Hess’s soft laugh and the sound of a drawer closing, and he blushed but didn’t move. With a deep breath, he loosened his shoulders and let the stress fall out of his back. He closed his eyes and focused on the grit of the wall against his skin, the smooth floor under his feet, and the measured footfalls of Hess coming up behind him.

He was so focused and ready, he jumped when Hess gently cupped the swell of his ass and then stroked his broad palm up and down his back. Sebastian hadn’t known what to expect—a slap on his ass perhaps, or two fingers plunged in hard and fast before he could react—but it hadn’t been for Hess to drape himself across his back with a shaky sigh.

He snapped rigid again in surprise and then just as quickly softened back down as Hess ran his hands up his chest and down his flanks. It felt good. Simple and warm and good. Worshipful came to mind, but Sebastian shoved it away again. Hess might want Sebastian to be alive, and he might want to fuck Sebastian, but he certainly didn’t revere Sebastian.

The things he said when they were intimate…those were just things he liked to say in the heat of the moment. Hess got turned on by their dynamic—so did Sebastian—but it didn’t mean Hess meant what he said about wanting Sebastian and about Sebastian being perfect and being his and all of that other nonsense.

Sebastian knew all that, but then Hess touched him like this, as though Sebastian was the missing piece of his world, with his lips on the nape of Sebastian’s neck, and Sebastian couldn’t help but feel like maybe he did mean it, but—

“Stop thinking.” Hess scraped his teeth just beside the scab Sebastian had made to get into the body and then shoved the bottle of gun oil into one of Sebastian’s hands. “And start prepping yourself for me.”

“Yes, sir.” Sebastian took the bottle and braced awkwardly to drip some of the slippery liquid onto his hand. He started to spread his legs but had to catch himself against the wall with a gasp when Hess grabbed his hips and yanked them farther from the wall.

He tilted Sebastian’s hips up and then grabbed his cheeks and spread him. Sebastian threw an incredulous look over his shoulder and was met with Hess’s challenging half smile. When Sebastian didn’t move right away, Hess’s smile grew, and he circled both his thumbs a little closer to Sebastian’s hole. “Go on.”

Sebastian’s face flamed as he reached behind himself and touched the tip of his oil-slick finger against his own hole. He swallowed, hesitating under Hess’s intense gaze, his exposed rim twitching and his heart beating in his chest.

When Sebastian still hadn’t moved, Hess growled in the back of his throat and flicked his eyes up to Sebastian’s. He used his thumbs to pull Sebastian’s hole open under his own finger. “Prepare yourself for me, Sebastian.”

The rumble of Hess’s voice up his spine and the feel of his glare on his body won out over any other feeling swirling inside Sebastian, and he plunged his finger into himself.

“Oh fuck.” Sebastian dropped his forehead against the wall as his hole spasmed.

“Good.” Hess’s voice gentled, and he rewarded Sebastian with a gentle squeeze of his ass.

Sebastian breathed hard through his nose and then slowly withdrew his finger, hyper-focused on the slight drag and clenching muscle and knowing that every twitch and spasm was on display for Hess.

And this was what Hess wanted.

So, Sebastian thrust his finger back inside and groaned at the combined burn and Hess’s hands clenching against him. Without giving himself a chance to adjust, Sebastian forced himself to thrust out and in again.

“That’s right, Sebastian.” Hess kneaded his ass, and Sebastian whined. Hess had told him to prep himself for him, and Sebastian damn well would. He plunged his finger in and out of himself, biting his lip to keep in his grunts. “God, you’re good at that.”

Sebastian melted under the praise, his knees shaking. He was good at this, and he could do better. He clenched his free hand against the wall and, on his next thrust, shoved in a second finger.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful, Sebastian.” Hess’s voice and hands were worshipful again, and Sebastian whimpered. The words felt so good, he’d do anything for those words and those touches. He crooked his fingers to tug at his rim each time he pulled out, and Hess groaned. He rubbed his fingers against his rim again, tugging it open to make more room for Sebastian’s fingers. “So good for me.”

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