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Sebastian’s brows furrowed, and his eyes darted to the door, but he didn’t move.

“So if you don’t want what I’m about to do to you”—Leon said the words slowly, deliberately, almost savoring them but too afraid to in case Sebastian ran for the exit and it all came crashing down—“then you should leave. Now.”

Sebastian actually pulled back, but not from Leon, from the door. He pressed back against the desk and reached for Leon but then stopped at the last second, and that display of submissive restraint did things to Leon he didn’t expect. Something like a growl built in his throat, and Sebastian’s breath caught. Sebastian lifted his chin and gave it that familiar, defiant tilt. “I don’t want to leave.”

The relief came fast and hard, and Leon’s knees almost buckled with it. It wasn’t all in his head. It wasn’t years of longing finally warping his grip on reality. And it wasn’t Sebastian too afraid or confused to defy him. It was Sebastian—Sebastian—yielding to him willingly, trustingly.

Leon lunged forward, capturing Sebastian’s mouth and bending him back over the desk. He invaded him with his tongue, and Sebastian opened to him with a moan, the most perfect, unabashed sound. Their hips slotted together, and Leon could finally feel just how eager Sebastian was. Leon pulled his mouth away and braced his hands on the desk to keep them still, digging his fingers into the wood.

“Take off your shirt.” He pressed his forehead against Sebastian’s so he could stare into his eyes as the dazed look from their kiss faded away. “I won’t ask again.”

Sebastian’s hands flew to his shirt. Leon left him barely enough space to get his hands between them to undo the buttons and kept him bent back over the desk.

As the buttons were undone, the shirt slid open and showed off a toned, muscular chest with a dusting of coarse hair, but Leon didn’t care about that. He cared about the reveal, about the deftness of Sebastian’s fingers as they jumped to do his bidding. He cared that Sebastian exposed himself to him on command.

Sebastian had to twist awkwardly to get the shirt off his shoulders, Leon refusing to budge and standing like a stone wall over him. He enjoyed Sebastian’s twisting and squirming, and even more the expectant look Sebastian gave him when he finally tossed the shirt away into a corner.

Leon smiled slowly. “And your pants.”

Red bloomed on Sebastian’s cheeks, and this time, his sure hands shook as he undid his own belt. Leon stared at his face for a few moments—the flush of his cheeks, the glisten on his lips as his tongue flicked out over them again—and then looked down to where Sebastian was opening his pants.

He was hard in his underwear, and precum dampened a spot on the fabric just over where the head was jutting into it. Leon let himself touch just for a moment and thumbed over it, and Sebastian gasped, his cock kicking.

Leon put his hands back on the desk but leaned forward to nuzzle Sebastian’s ear. “Take it all off, Sebastian.” He bit at the rim. “You know how I want you.”

“Yes.” Sebastian shoved his pants and underwear over his hips. They got caught on his boots as he tried to step out of them too quickly, and he stumbled forward and caught himself with a splayed hand over Leon’s chest. He snatched his hand back with a nervous look, but Leon just smiled, and the nervous look fell away.


Sebastian swallowed, and for a second, Leon thought he would deny it out of principle, but then he nodded. “Yes.”

“Good.” Leon grabbed Sebastian’s face with both hands and dragged him into another kiss. Sebastian flowed into him, lips parted, pressing his naked body against Leon’s clothes. So vulnerable. So obedient. All for Leon.

Leon explored with his hands down Sebastian’s body. He dragged his fingers down the muscles of Sebastian’s back, rippling as Sebastian pressed and squirmed against him. He scratched his nails over the smooth swell of Sebastian’s ass and swallowed Sebastian’s answering gasp.

And then, with more confidence than Leon had expected of himself, he slid his hand around to the front of Sebastian’s hips and cupped his cock and balls.

Sebastian’s mouth broke away as he moaned, and Leon pulled back to get a better view. He needed to see Sebastian’s face the first time Leon got a hand on his cock. Sebastian’s brows pinched, his lips parted, and his eyes shut tight.

“Look at me,” Leon ordered, and Sebastian’s eyes opened again instantly. That was what Leon needed to see, the emotions and sensations cascading through them on display and exposed. “Don’t close them again.”

“Yes, sir.”

A bolt of pleasure shot down to Leon’s balls so strong he almost came then and there, and he had to freeze as he wrestled himself back under control. Leon had been called ‘sir’ more times than he could count. But never by Sebastian and not like that.


He hated it. He hated the reminder of where he stood. Above, in front of, in charge of. The reminder of the responsibility that sat so heavily on him, that crushed him so far into the ground that sometimes he felt he couldn’t move. The pressure and the ever-present certainty that he tried to ignore but that lurked nonetheless that he would disappoint. That he would fail. That when they had all decided he would lead them—when Farlon had decided he would lead them—they had all made a terrible mistake.

But when Sebastian said it like that, with his pupils blown wide, his chest flushed, and his cock hard, standing in Leon’s arms and looking up at him, it didn’t mean any of that.

Leon grabbed Sebastian’s head with both hands again and pushed him down—not hard enough to force, but hard enough for it to be more than a strong suggestion. “Get on your knees.”

Leon had barely applied any pressure before Sebastian hit the ground, obeying before Leon had even finished the order. Because he wanted Leon to be in charge. He trusted Leon to be in charge, and for once, Leon trusted himself.

“Undo my belt.” Leon could trust himself because in this, he knew he would make all the right decisions. Give all the right orders. Because the only orders he had to give were the ones that made Sebastian’s eyes light up, his cock jump, and his lips part on those gasps and moans, and who knew what else Leon could get from him.

“Yes, sir.” Sebastian undid Leon’s belt with quick, sure movements, but this close and watching this intently Leon could see his fingers shaking.

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