Page 21 of The Alien Bodyguard

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“Because of the security system, I don’t need to be in the same room during your meeting,” he said. “I can give you some privacy, or I can attend. It’s your decision.”

“I’d prefer the privacy.”

The immediacy of Oliver’s reply hit something tender in Mal’ik’s chest that it shouldn’t have. Maybe he should give serious consideration to Patrick’s question of whether he should be taken off this assignment.

As they walked up the gangway, the front door slid open to reveal an opulently decorated welcoming hall with dark paneled walls and a plush carpet. Standing in the room, ready to greet them as they entered, was Emissary Serihk—skin pale, hands behind his back, a polite smile on his face—and a human man Mal’ik didn’t recognize—bearded, shorter and younger than Serihk, but more muscular than any politician Mal’ik had ever met. Behind them both stood the governor of Southern Tava, practically skulking in the shadows.

“Mr. Turner, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Serihk stepped forward and reached out with one of his elegant hands in a human greeting.

Oliver smiled and shook his hand. “And you as well, Emissary Serihk. Your reputation precedes you.”

“As does yours and your family’s.” Serihk smiled back and then turned to Mal’ik. “And Captain Mal’ik, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

Mal’ik dipped his head. “And you, sir.”

Serihk waved the human man forward. “Thank you for sending over those bodyguard recommendations for Mr. Harrison here. It’s much appreciated.” Mal’ik felt more than saw Oliver’s eyes flick over to him.

“Mr. Harrison.” Mal’ik nodded to the human in front of him and tried not to look at the human beside him. “I can personally vouch for every one of them. I hope you find someone that suits you.”

Harrison guffawed. “If any of them are half as good as Lar’a, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“That’s a high standard, but they’ll meet it.” Mal’ik smiled genuinely, surprised by the casual gruffness of the man’s voice. It gave Mal’ik the impression that he spoke with an equal, rather than the elites he spent so much time surrounded by. Harrison had a different accent than Oliver, more rounded, and he didn’t hit his consonants quite as crisply.

Serihk turned back to Oliver. “Mr. Turner, please meet my consultant, Bryant Harrison. He’ll be joining us for any meetings.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Harrison.” Oliver’s tone sounded impressively genuine, even though Mal’ik didn’t doubt that Oliver wasn’t getting any pleasure from any of this. Oliver also didn’t extend his hand to Harrison like Serihk had to him, but Mal’ik didn’t know enough about Human culture to know if that was a snub.

“Good to meet you too, Mr. Turner.” Harrison definitely wasn’t from a political background. He didn’t have the knack of pretending to be impressed by someone that he wasn’t. Mal’ik glanced down at Oliver and wasn’t surprised to see a perfectly polite and uncracked mask.

Serihk stepped back and swept his arm out to the governor behind them. “And, of course, you know Governor Tesh.” Oliver and the governor nodded to each other. “And with that, I believe introductions are done. I’ve had the study arranged for our meeting. Will you be joining us, Captain Mal’ik?”

“No, sir.”

“In that case, Lar’a is in the gym if you’d like to join her. I’m sure you remember the way?”

“Yes, sir.”

Mal’ik looked at Oliver one last time before they parted, but Oliver was already walking away, following Harrison down the hallway across from them. Mal’ik watched him go, feeling the urge to follow. Oliver wasn’t in any danger, but he wasn’t in friendly territory, and Mal’ik should be at his back.

But Oliver didn’t want him there, so Mal’ik left to find Lar’a.

But as he turned down a hallway, he was surprised to come face-to-face with a very different klah’eel woman. “Teav?”

Teav’s eyes widened for just a moment before she marshaled herself. “Captain Mal’ik.”

“What are you doing here?”

Teav’s expression didn’t change but a curl of embarrassment twisted over the air to him. “Nothing.” Mal’ik raised an eyebrow, and Teav gave a little huff. “I just wanted to talk to Lar’a about some data she sent over. I wanted to clarify a few points.”

Mal’ik raised the second eyebrow as the corner of his lips twitched. “Mm-hmm.”

The smell of embarrassment intensified, and Teav scowled and moved to walk past him. “Excuse me. I need to get going.”

Mal’ik let her go and managed to keep from chuckling until she was out of earshot.

He found Lar’a with a heavy-laden barbell over her shoulders and a young human girl counting out her squat reps. When Lar’a caught sight of Mal’ik in the doorway, she grinned and heaved the barbell back onto the rack.

“Mal’ik! I was wondering if you’d get away to join us.”

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