Page 76 of Two Pucking Grooms

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“I’m so relieved we’re reconciling and stuff.” He cleared his throat. “I mean, I want our kids to have their grandparents in their lives and two out of three sets—”

“What?” My mom’s jaw dropped almost as fast as her eyes fell to my stomach.

I covered myself with my hand and shook my head. “Not yet.” I shoved Mac. “He gets a little impatient sometimes.”

But I couldn’t hide my smile. I was impatient, too. I wanted to experience life—every facet of it—with my two husbands.

“First things first,” Bash said as the first notes of All of Me pumped through the speakers, followed by Emmett’s crooning voice. “Let’s get our wife back out to the dance floor, Savage.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


“I don’t think my eyes can take another dance—” Em swiped fresh tears, all traces of makeup gone after the mother of the groom dance.

I brushed my thumb across her cheek, catching a stray one she missed. “Me either.”

My eyes were raw, too. Alicia and Sebastian danced alongside Rachel and me. When I asked Em’s mom, I braced myself for a no, but I had to ask. She no longer had Rob, and I didn’t really have my mom anymore. We both had something the other was missing. We might not have been the best of friends—yet—but we could do that one thing for each other.

I was glad I asked. It felt like a solid step toward repairing our relationship. Rachel and I had spent most of the dance gushing over how beautiful Em looked in her dress and how perfect her dance with Jason had been.

I couldn’t wait until that was me twirling my own little girl on the dance floor at her wedding. The other two thought I was impatient, but if they were married to them, they would be too.

I wanted Emily pregnant with our baby the second I knew I was committed to her, and the only thing now was to wait for her to be ready. The second she was ready, I was all in. Hopefully it would line up with an off season so we could stay in bed until we saw those two pink lines.

She nudged her chin toward Bash. “I had Julie print the paperwork we submitted—”

“It’s here?”

She nodded, her cheeks pink and perfect as she radiated the joy we both felt over this decision. We never wanted Bash to feel like he was any less a part of this relationship because our names were the ones on the certificate and we didn’t want to feel disconnected from him, so we had come up with the perfect solution. The hardest part had been filling out paperwork while he slept last night. For the first night in forever, he wasn’t ready for bed before me.

But he eventually fell asleep, and we put our plan in motion. I was thankful we hadn’t waited and had something to give him today.

“Where are the papers?”

Em pointed to the door. “In a bag under that table.”

My stomach twisted, and I pursed my lips, steadying my breathing. “Will he hate it?”

Em shook her head and looped her arm through mine. “Nope. Let’s go get it and sneak off to the storage room—”

“I like the way you think, Pink.”

She smirked and pulled me over to Bash, standing on her toes to reach his ear. “We need to show you something.”

He followed us without question, not talking until we shut the door behind us.

Taking the packet, he frowned. “What’s this?”

“Read it,” Em urged.

“Emily Eliza Bardot. Michael Alexander Bardot.” His voice cracked, and he stared at the paper that showed our petition to change our names.

None of us were breathing.

He stared.

And stared.

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