Page 66 of Two Pucking Grooms

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“What’s wrong?” I murmured against his cheek.

He sighed and watched me, turmoil storming behind his eyes.

“Was it about the call last night?” I prodded quietly.

“What call?” Em asked, her face falling. “Is everything okay?”

He looked at me like he couldn’t talk yet, silently telling me to fill her in.

“When we were at Strelow’s, someone called him. He didn’t want to talk about it last night—” I rubbed his arm and rested my head on his shoulder. “But maybe you’re ready now?”

“My parents,” he hissed.

“What did they want?” Em ground out, instantly protective of our man.

I flashed her a grateful look, but her face was tight, her eyes locked on Mac.

“To see how I was doing, I guess.”

“Probably out of money,” she muttered.

“I told them about my contract—”

I rubbed his back, hating that his parents could reduce a big, powerful man into a nervous shell of himself.

“They told me Ryan Reyes—a guy from my hometown—signed on with a team in Canada for triple that.”

“Fuck them.”

Mac’s eyes widened, and he watched Em, like he was just seeing this side of her for the first time. It was new to me, too. Gone was our girl who shied away from pain. She had grown so much in the last few months—all three of us had.

“Fuck them?” Mac repeated.

“Yes. They’re not worth our time.”

He kissed her forehead, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” she whispered against him, reaching for me. “Pack your bags.”

“Pack my bags?” I repeated. “For what?”

“Florida.” Em turned to me, her blue eyes sparkling. “We’re going on our honeymoon.”

“Honeymoon? We’re not even getting married,” I teased.

“Fine.” She smirked. “We’re going on our un-honeymoon.”

“Our flight’s not scheduled until next month—”

She shook her head. “I emailed the airline and the resort last night while I was waiting for you to get home. All we have to do is call and reschedule, and we can go whenever we want.”

Mac’s jaw dropped. “How?”

“Sebastian sprung for all the insurances and safety nets the travel agent offered—”

“Did you think we weren’t going to make it to the honeymoon?” Mac nudged me.

I shook my head, tousling his bedhead. “Doesn’t everyone do that?”

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