Page 46 of Two Pucking Grooms

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The front door opened. It was probably Ava coming in from a morning walk. Might as well let the whole family hear this.

“What’s wrong?”

“Mac left.”

Rachel was by her side in a second. “Oh, honey. We knew this would happen. We shouldn’t even be shocked it happened so quickly. Men like him are—” She searched the ceiling for answers.

“Flaky?” my mother added unhelpfully. “Here, come sit with us.”

Em resisted their attempts to pull her into a kitchen chair. I slipped in next to her, blocking our crazy mothers from getting close to her again.

“He didn’t leave us,” I ground out. “He went home.”

“To our house,” Em added.

“What a good morning,” my father sang as he waltzed into the kitchen.

We all glared at him, and he threw his hands up. “What the hell am I walking into?”

“A discussion that needed to happen a long time ago,” I muttered.

“What’s the problem?” Rachel asked, clearly not interested in resolving anything.

Em’s voice broke, and I reached for her, clinging to her shirt. “All I wanted was my family’s approval. It’s so stupid out loud, but it’s true. I wanted you to love the men I love—”

“We love Sebastian.”

“But we both love Mac and you guys pushed him away.”

“We were perfectly fine yesterday,” Jason said.

Em shook her head. “Nope. Try again. He wouldn’t have left if it had been fine. He didn’t tell us what you did, but I have a pretty good guess.”

“And that is?” my dad asked.

I held tighter to Em, hating that our families were more than prepared to go to war over my love life.

“We see you guys maybe once a year. Twice if you invite us to Christmas—”

“You’re always invited to Christmas.” My mom sighed and rolled her eyes.

Em ignored her erroneous comment and continued. “You couldn’t be happy for us for two or three days?” She flailed her hand, her blue eyes wild and beautiful. “You couldn’t think, ‘Gee, maybe after how hard of a time Bash and Em have had, Mac is such a welcome relief in their lives. The way he makes them smile and laugh so hard their sides hurt. They haven’t had that in so long. I am so happy for them.’ You couldn’t do that?”

“Is that what this is?” Jason asked. “Some way the two of you cope with Rob?”

If I thought Em’s eyes were wild a second ago, yikes. If she could shoot lasers out of those things, we’d all be dust.

“That’s enough.” Mac’s voice startled me and I jumped.

When I turned around, my heart grew three sizes. He was standing in the doorway, his curly blonde hair messy like he’d been tugging on it all night, trying to figure out how the hell to deal with these crazies.

“You came back,” Em breathed.

“Of course.” He kissed the top of her head and slid his hand into mine.

“Why are you here, Mac?” My father’s exasperated tone made me see red.

I stepped forward, but Mac tugged me back to his side.

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