Page 36 of Two Pucking Grooms

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Bash’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?”

“Seriously.” I straightened my shirt and crossed my arms over my chest. “I completely understand if the two of you want to leave, but if you don’t, can we stay? I want to show my family that our relationship isn’t ridiculous or some sex thing—”

“The sex is pretty damn great, though.” Mac got to his feet and wrapped his arms around me. “Are you sure you don’t want to do it right now? Super loud so they can be all judgy and jealous?”

I melted against him and actually contemplated it for a second before I shoved him away. “They think we’re degenerates. I don’t want to prove them right.”

“Em—I hardly think having sex with the two people I’ve committed myself to for eternity makes me a degenerate.”

“Have either of us mentioned Em’s parents like to lay the guilt on—”

“Quite thick, too,” I added.

“I have something else that’s quite thick.”

I gulped, my body knowing exactly how thick he was, and responding rapidly to his suggestions. “I can’t,” I choked out. “And you should be worn out from yesterday.”

His face clouded for the briefest second before he laughed. “I took a nap.”

“And it helped that well?”

He shrugged and opened the door. “Ready to introduce me to your parents?”

“No,” I muttered, going through the door first when all I’d rather do was slide under the covers with the two of them and do all sorts of things I’d never done at the lake house before.

Chapter Sixteen


As Bash opened the door, I heard a familiar voice coming from the family room and sagged with relief. “Ava’s here.”

“Oh, thank God.” Bash’s shoulders relaxed and Mac glanced around.

“Ava’s your cousin, right?”

“Yes. She’s a sweetheart and a great buffer between her mom and the rest of the family.”

“Nina’s her mom?” Mac was sweating as he counted out the people on his hands. “Alicia is your mom—” He pointed to Bash. “And your dad is Jason?”

Bash shook his head. “My dad is Collin. Em’s dad is Jason.”

“And my mom is Rachel.”

“And then there’s Grandma Agnes,” Bash said, opening his arms for the orneriest old woman I’d ever met in my life as she came out of her room and joined us in the hallway.

“You talking about me, Sebastian?” She side-eyed him and he shook his head so fast his dark hair fluffed.

“If I was, it was only the best of things—”

“Huh?” She held her hand up to her ear, and I choked on a laugh.

“It’s good to see you, Grandma Agnes.” Bash’s voice was muffled, squished against her as she held him tight.

She refused to be called grandma all throughout my mom’s pregnancy with Rob. And then the second he was born, she fell head over heels in love with him and has worn the title of grandma with excessive pride ever since.

“My granddaughter,” she exclaimed, throwing her arms out toward me after she hugged Bash.

She eyeballed Mac and winked. “Good job, honey.”

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