Page 39 of Love Me Knot

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Jackson reaches up, seemingly without thought. Pain flashes in his eyes, and I regret asking. “You don’t have to answer that.”

“No. Fair is fair,” he insists. “I got it during the only mission that I lost a man. I almost died and would have if Bandaid hadn’t been there. He had to shove his bare hand inside my neck and sew my carotid shut to keep me from bleeding out.”

What follows is proof of how much Jackson cares about his men and how he almost quit over losing one. I wish I could provide him comfort or support, but words fail me, and I’m too close to the edge to offer a reassuring touch.

The only other thing I can think of is to change the subject. “Tell me about your son.”

Jackson snickers, causing me to glance his way. The pride on the man’s face makes me smile. “Caleb, a live wire for sure. He’s a junior at Old Dominion studying criminal justice.”

“Wow. He’s close. Was that intentional?”

“Yeah. He and his…” Jackson sighs. “Caleb wasn’t planned, obviously, but that kid is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I was sixteen when he was born. Shelby, his mother, and I were young and dumb but wanted to do right by our son. We weren’t stupid enough to get married, thank God. I gave up baseball and got a job to help out as much as I could. When I graduated, I had to make a choice. Getting a shitty job wasn’t going to do much, and the college where I had a scholarship_I could have done it, but it would mean never seeing my son.

“I did the only thing I could think of. Caleb was two when I joined the Navy. I didn’t have long-term plans for serving, but I had a job, and Caleb had insurance. Being in the Navy was the calling I never knew I had. I hated missing those months of his life during training, but we made it. Shelby and Caleb moved with me to Virginia when I was stationed here permanently.”

Past insecurities bubble to the surface, making me wonder how I measure up to Caleb’s mother. I don’t mean to ask, but the words tumble out of my mouth. “What happened to Shelby?”

“She got a job and took some online business classes. We made a good team with Caleb but, over time, recognized that we’d gotten over the teenage infatuation. We settled into a comfortable friendship, co-parenting as well as a couple of twenty-year-olds can. When Caleb was six, I realized we were holding each other back. Shelby deserved to find someone who could be more than a teammate, someone who would complete her. She moved out, and we split time with Caleb. She had him when I deployed. If Shelby needed time to study or had a date, Caleb was with me.”

We near the half-mile mark and turn off for the short track, but I find that I want to keep going on the longer track and hear more. “What about you? Did you ever find someone to complete you?”

Jackson is quiet and contemplative for a while. “No. I had my team and my son. The Navy demanded a big chunk of my days. I wasn’t willing to give up any of my time with Caleb.”

We pass the half-mile marker with me digesting what I’ve learned. “You sound like a dedicated father. What’s Caleb like?”

“He’s almost as good-looking as I am.” Jackson continues through my laughter. “He’s currently using my dog in a campaign to pick up women.”

“If he’s as persistent as his father, girls better watch out.”

I catch Jackson smiling from the corner of my eye.


Chelsea’s laughter is a balm to my soul. After last night’s surprise turn, I was sure I’d lost footing with her. I didn’t even know what to expect in today’s meeting. Watching Chelsea take on my teammates this morning set my mind at ease. She was her typical comical self but more natural. Nothing about her seemed forced.

Step one complete. Chelsea is out of hiding, and it’s not of my doing. Now, to help her find the woman she’s been suppressing all these years.

We finish a two-mile walk with Chelsea leading the conversation the whole way. I never pressed her for information, content to answer all her questions. She had plenty, which makes sense. I already know a lot about her, including that she’s crazy about me.

The hard part will come next, convincing Chelsea she doesn’t have to protect herself from me. I can’t push, but I will prove I can be a safe place for her. I just don’t know how to do it yet. I mean, sure. I’ve got Caleb’s suggestion, but I don’t know how confident I am with trying to strongarm Chelsea or any woman.

Chelsea and I part in the parking lot, and I drive home to take care of some household chores. I grill a steak and bake a potato between folding loads of laundry and watching the Nats play the Braves. Afterward, I head to bed.

Friday morning, my platoon completes a five-mile run on the beach at Little Creek. We finish at the lighthouse and walk back. Most of us do, anyway. There isn’t a monster mash planned for today, and we’re not meeting at Knot Corp.

Five men of my squad have hot plans and are in a hurry to leave. They take off toward showers and clean clothes, while Duck and I stick with Fish’s squad.

“How’s the cover building going with Danforth?” Judge asks without an ounce of humor.

“It’s going well.” Given our unsuccessful dinner with Chelsea last week, I scan the group for Fish, Devil, and Wrench’s reaction. “It’s going surprisingly well. Chelsea just takes a while to warm up to new people. She and I make a good team.”

Our group has just rounded the south corner at HQ when Commander O’Reily strides through the side door. He’s headed straight for us. “Bennett, get cleaned up ASAP. You’re with me.”

I cut my eyes to Fish, who seems just as clueless as I am. “Yes, sir.”

Fish pats me on the back, and I jog toward the gym, speeding through a shower. Instead of returning to HQ afterward, I find the commander waiting for me outside the gym in his Tahoe. He drives to Naval Air Station Oceana, circling the grounds to an open, empty hangar.

Or, not so empty. Dillan Knot, Chelsea, Birdie, Bastien, and Admiral Jameson wait inside the cavernous space. The admiral gestures us forward, in a hurry for whatever purpose he’s brought us here. Commander O’Reilly and I hoof it toward the group, acknowledging those present with simple nods.

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