Page 34 of Knot Innocent

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“What if I happen to meet him and strike up a conversation? I could convince him we have similar tastes. Get him to tell me of his conquests. Would that work?”

“It might,” Birdie answers. “But only if he identifies his victims in a way that the police can confirm them.”

“Locations and physical descriptions. Got it. I know you’ve been tracking this guy. What does he do on the weekends?”

“He, uh, is a bit of an alcoholic, so he goes to a dog park that’s also a biergarten. He gets to drink and watch kids at the same time.”

“Simple enough. It’s settled, then. I assume the sooner, the better?”

Birdie’s skeptical face hasn’t changed when she says, “I’m sure his next intended victim would appreciate it.”

“Then let’s make a run at him tonight.”

Birdie has progressed from skeptic to full-on shock. “You’re serious.”

“You weren’t?”

“Um. Yeah. I just didn’t expect you to be so gung ho.”

“Well, I am, so we’re doing this. Now, I just need a dog.”

My phone was out of my pocket before I finished speaking. I call up my friend yet again, hoping he’ll be on board. “Bash, what’s up?”

“I’m calling to see if Captain has plans tonight.”

The silence coming from his end says that I’ve surprised him. “Jackson?”

“You’re beginning to worry me, my friend.”

Ignoring him, I get right to the point. “I need a favor. I have to go undercover at a dog park and need to borrow Captain for a little while.”

“You’re not trying to impress a lady by pretending to have a dog, are you?” he jokes.

“No, I’m trying to catch a pedophile before he can hurt a kid.”

Jackson’s voice hardens when he asks, “This the guy you think might be after Birdie?”

I don’t answer his question because doing so would reveal to Birdie that Jackson knows. “Nope. Just a candidate for castration in my book.”

“I love my dog.”

“I know you do. I would never let anything happen to Captain. She won’t be involved. I just need her to get me into the place.”

My friend considers the request momentarily before answering, “You can have her on one condition.”

I’m thinking he’s going to use this to blackmail me into going to another SEAL team reunion. Instead, he announces, “As long as I go with her.”

I toss a glance toward Birdie and figure another set of eyes on her couldn’t hurt. “Deal.”

We make arrangements to meet at the park at four, planning to stay as long as it takes to get a quasi-confession. Or at least to try.

Until then, Birdie and I work out details, including getting me home to clean up and dress like an overgrown adolescent. While Birdie showers, I look up the dog park, studying the layout, exits, and parking.

Over lunch, we script the scene, with her giving me tips on what to say and what not to say. Until now, I didn’t think about how hard this was going to be. To play the part, I’ll have to let some sickening things cross my lips. Studying Birdie as she checks on our target, I decide I can’t back out now.

Birdie gathers her equipment once she’s done, and the two of us pack into my truck to go to my place. We arrive little more than ten minutes later in a neighborhood a lot like Birdie’s. My house is similar in size to hers, even if the style is a little more modern.

“Make yourself at home,” I say once we’re inside. “I’ll shower and be right out.”

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