Page 9 of Knot Guilty

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A few more steps have him circling wide to position himself on the opposite side of the door from me.

“I’m still working those out. The only thing I’m sure about is that you threw that match. That could mean one of two things.” I tick off each point using my hands. “One. That shit was part of your strategy to throw me off my game until going in for the kill, but Spatch ended the fight before you got the chance. Two. You feel it beneath you to train with me because I’m a woman.”

Maxen’s eyes go wide just before he lets out a howling laugh. He recovers quickly and presses, “And what are my strengths?”

The man isn’t responding like I’d expected, throwing me off-balance. I have no idea where this odd conversation is heading, and Maxen’s mysterious gleam is back. No doubt, he’s trying to get under my skin again.

Unfortunately, the heat in his stare still wakes up parts of me better left dormant, and I hate it. Fighting to regain my focus, I answer, “I wouldn’t know since you’re only as strong as your greatest weakness.”

Maxen lifts his hand to his chin, mimicking a thoughtful pose. “Only as strong as my greatest weakness,” he repeats sardonically. “I’d say that gives me an advantage.”

“That doesn’t even make sense.”

His head tilts to the side in bemusement. “It would if you knew what I know.”

The man is speaking in riddles, and I’ve just about had it. None of this ridiculous conversation is answering any of my questions. I could, and probably should walk away at this point, but my feet refuse to move.

“What about you, Fate? I’m sure everyone at this company could recite your strengths.”

Now, I’m rolling my eyes. “Right. My skill on the mat is legendary, and you’ve just given yourself away. You think matching with me is beneath you. You respect my training so little that you wouldn’t even give me half-effort. Well, congratulations. Your piss-poor effort made us both look like assholes.”

Absolutely over the conversation, I turn on my heels and reach for my bag. Not a second later, I’m tackled from behind, landing on the mat with a thud. I never heard him coming.

I twist and roll, fighting with everything I’ve got to break Maxen’s hold, but nothing is working. Every move I make is countered; every grab I execute, escaped. So, this is Maxen at maximum effort. Scary.

Since he’s trying to prove a point, I resolve to do the same. I use every ground fighting tactic I know and break out of each hold, only to be placed in another half a heartbeat later. The only move not on the table is a head strike to his nose since we’ll need him in two days. It’s not like I’m getting an opening anyway. Just the same, Maxen isn’t hurting me either.

I seize an opportunity to get my hand under his chin just before realizing I was lured into a trap. Maxen grabs that hand, twisting it up and to the side, and I’m pinned to the mat with one of his arms across my throat.

I could be dead by now if this happened in the field. Instead, Maxen leans close and whispers, “Your weakness is that you’re blind. You’re so confident that you’ve got everybody figured out that you overlook changes in those closest to you. I don’t think you even recognize changes in your own mind.”

I struggle against his hold, trying to get up. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Maxen runs his nose over the shell of my ear, and his voice drops low. “You and I never fought before today. Ever wonder why?”

Still pinned and very pissed off, I grit out, “Because you didn’t want to get your ass kicked by a woman?”

Maxen shakes his head and grins, “You know damn well that I’ve fought with other female operatives. Stay on point, please. I didn’t want to fight you. But not for the reasons you’re assuming. I’ve been watching you for a year, Fate. I know very well what you’re capable of. You can kick anybody’s ass here except maybe mine. Next to Knot, you run this whole show, and every operative here respects your leadership, especially me. You’re an amazing woman, Sadie Phelps. You’re an incredible leader, a fantastic teacher, a fierce fighter, and a beautiful woman.”

I stare up at Maxen, stock still and in shock at what this little chat has turned into.

“People like you are a rare find, Sadie. It’s not been easy keeping my distance. I knew that if I ever faced off with you directly, put my hands on you, I’d lose the battle with myself. And you would lose the battle with yourself.”

I wrestle against his iron grip again, accomplishing nothing except being held tighter. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m saying I want you. I’ve tried many times in subtle and not-so-subtle ways to show you I’m interested, but you’re blind. You haven’t noticed any of the three men here that would kill for one taste of your lips. And today proved you want me just as much, even if you don’t realize it yet.”

“That’s one hell of an ego you’ve got there, so sure you know my mind better than I do.”

Maxen drops his head to whisper against my lips. “I know you’re so used to men seeing you as a threat or assuming you’re a lesbian that you don’t even register attraction or desire anymore. When you have… needs, you fulfill them with as much emotion as you have when reloading your weapon. You slipped up this morning, though. I watched you bite your lip when I had you pinned. Your nipples pebbled for me as you sat on my chest. You want me, Sadie. You’re full of fiery passion and have just been waiting on someone that isn’t afraid to get burned. Deep down, you know I’m that man.”

A bone-deep shiver runs through me as though my body agrees with Maxen. Great. I’m not only out of my league but also outnumbered.

Thankfully, I’m not ruled by raging hormones. My brain is in control, and I’m tired of these mind games. Unfortunately, my gray matter is failing to come up with anything more than a weak argument. “You’re crazy,”

Maxen’s grin widens. “Maybe, but ask yourself this. If I’m wrong, then why didn’t you really fight back this morning?”

Maxen lifts himself off me, grabs his bag, and strolls out of the training room as though we just shared a fist bump after work. Me on the other hand, I don’t move for a long while, feeling like I’ve been cemented to the floor.

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