Page 60 of Knot Guilty

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“All right. Keep checking. We’re bound to catch someone eventually.”

“You got it.”

With nothing left stopping us, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Let’s go.”

The morning sun reaches into the cave about twenty feet, but that’s where the light ends. All of the lights installed by the terrorists are dark, the power feed having been cut off at some point. I have no interest in wasting the time it could take to find and restart the source, so Maxen and I secure our headlamps and keep going.

Unlike the outside, where all traces of the massacre have been erased, the macabre scene inside the cave remains untouched. Spilled blood coats much of the opening tunnel, splattered on the cave walls in many places. The first inner chamber is even worse. This is where Colonel Heathman and his men were caught in a crossfire.

Our hope is to find a sign, some shred of evidence that will help us identify one of the players. I know chances are slim, given that Avara’s men wouldn’t have been thinking about the investigation when moving the bodies of their teammates.

It’s possible that whoever investigated could have found something useful, but we’ll never know about it. Whether it was CID, FBI, or the CIA, they wouldn’t share shit with us, especially since one of our operatives is on the hook for the slaughter.

If there was evidence here, I’m not finding a damned thing now and don’t have time for an exhaustive search. That means it’s time to keep moving. I get Maxen’s attention and guide him to the alcove entrance, where Aaron and I found the discarded guns. I drop to my knees and crawl in first, having been the only one who has seen the area before. Scanning the floor as I go, I look for anything that could have fallen from a pocket or a box but come up empty. Of course, it’s not going to be that easy.

Exiting the small tunnel on the other side, I rise to my feet in an empty room. Not surprising. The only question is who took the guns. We didn’t leave anyone behind to guard the cache of weapons. I’m sure the army would have sent a team to secure the site for investigators. They probably took the weapons away. Unless the terrorists retrieved them first.

“Anything?” Maxen asks as he stands up in the small cavern.

I kick out at a perfectly preserved Army boot print in the dirt. “Nothing. The army’s team likely wiped out anything we could use to find these bastards.”

“It wouldn’t have been intentional.”

“I know that,” I snap. “Come on. We’re wasting time here.”

Spinning toward the cavern’s exit, my whole body sags when I reach the tunnel. I lean my head against the cool stone wall, feeling like shit for lashing out. Maxen’s lights dance over the floor as he approaches. He splays his big hand over my back reassuringly. “I know, Sadie. I don’t want to be here again, either. We’re going to get through this. We’re gonna clear Aaron and get justice for Brock, Heathman, and all the others. Now, let’s keep moving. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.”

Nodding into the darkness, I drop to my knees to crawl back out.

After exiting the tunnel, I’m stuck, frozen, staring into the crevice leading to the spot where Brock was killed. I keep seeing his face the moment he knew no one could save him. I close my eyes, letting the pain wash over me, and reach up and touch my cheek where he did before he died.

In those last few breaths, Brock wasn’t afraid. Knowing what I know now, it’s clear what was hiding in his eyes that night: love and regret.

I can’t go in there.

I’m still frozen in place when Maxen clears the small tunnel. The beam of his flashlight sweeps over my still form, and he steps up to my side. “It’s time to check in with Birdie. Why don’t you go outside while I look around in there?”

As team leader, I should never ask something of someone that I’m unwilling to do myself. I shouldn’t accept his offer. But I’m going to. “Thanks.”

We part ways then, Maxen to the deepest, darkest part of the cave and me back out into the light.

“Birdie, do you copy?” I ask as I shield my eyes against the sun's brightness.

“Right here, and I’ve got news. One of the phones linked to the call logs just went active. I’m already running a trace and should have a location for you soon.”

“That’s great, Birdie. As much as we needed to come here, it’s been a waste of time. We’ll wrap things up and be ready when you get a location.”

“You got it.”

I turn back to the cave entrance only to see Maxen walking out. “Everything’s gone.”

“We had to try. Anyway, Birdie’s got a lead. Someone connected with that phone has gone active. Birdie’s running a trace now.”

Maxen’s body stills, every muscle tense and battle ready. “I don’t believe it. We need to find this guy before he goes dark again.”

We abandon the neglected site, heading for the borrowed truck. Though we get tucked inside, Birdie hasn’t yet reported a location on the smuggling associate. We don’t know if this guy is to the north, west, or south, or even if he’s back across the border. Going in any direction until we have a location would be a waste.

Leaning my head back against the passenger seat, I shut my eyes and picture Brock’s sad, smiling face as he held his secret to the end. The memories threaten to be my undoing, so I open my eyes and stare out the window. Can’t think about him just now. Have to keep it together. To focus on something else, I say, “I’m betting this guy was under orders to keep that phone dark, if not ditch it altogether.”

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