Page 52 of Knot Guilty

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The sexy man takes a step closer, forcing me back into my entry hall. “You, Sadie, look ravishing.”

His enticing cologne teases my nose as he steps closer still, brushing the back of his hand against my cheek. A shiver works down my spine as those fingers continue downward, running through the slit in the front of my dress.

My breathing quickens, and Maxen’s hot breath on my neck sends a rush of heat straight to my core. Shit! No panties. “Ahh. I’ll just put these in some water,” I say as I reach for the flowers. “They’re beautiful. You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Of course I did. This is our first date.”

“This is not a date.”

“A practice run for our first date, then.”

He offers me his arm, and I’ve never been more thankful for the genteel training sessions from Trish Knot before the Philippines mission. I hadn’t played the role of arm candy before and needed to look the part in order to guard a US ambassador.

Unfortunately, I played my part too well. That was the fateful mission during which I was kidnapped and had to be rescued by a group of Navy SEALs.

Shrugging off the memory of that jungle hell, I slip my arm around Maxen’s, and off we go. Outside, Maxen opens the passenger door of a navy BMW. Damn. Being in The Unit must have paid well. Knot isn’t exactly stingy, either. I suppose I could afford something a little flashier than what I’m driving, but that’s not my style.

I burrow into the soft seat and adjust my dress, thankful I could pull this off in such a short time. Maxen closes my door, rounds the hood to the other side, and drops in behind the wheel. “So, tell me about your family,” Maxen says as he pushes the start button.

Maxen’s hand is wrapped around my bare thigh during the drive to the restaurant, his fingers absently caressing my skin. Another first. And one I most definitely like.

Maxen’s hand creeps pretty high up my leg at one point, and I bite my lip to keep from smiling. I’m almost disappointed when his hand lowers again without learning my secret.

By the time Maxen pulls up to the restaurant’s valet stand, we’ve each shared a few of our most embarrassing childhood stories. Maxen’s stories make him seem more human than the invincible former Delta I’ve always seen. Be careful, Sadie, or you might convince yourself to like this guy, my inner harpy warns.

Yeah, well… maybe I don’t mind so much.

I turn and watch Maxen step out of the car, admiring the lethal grace with which he moves. Hot guy, manners Mrs. Bea would be proud of, and a distinct lack of awkwardness. If this were a date, I’d give the start of it a solid ten. However, since this is not a date, I’ll refrain from making such claims.

An attendant opens my door and reaches for my hand. Instead of waving him off like I normally would, I remember to stay in character and accept graciously. I also remember that I’m not wearing any panties and take extra care not to flash everyone.

Still, the dress is quite short, and the twenty-something man obviously appreciates the view as I swing my legs out of the car. The guy must look too long as a throat clears behind him, and Maxen growls, “I think I can take it from here.”

The attendant’s face falls, but he recovers quickly and bows, hastily stepping out of the way. Maxen moves in close to occupy the space vacated by the eager valet, positioning himself to block the view of the younger man. Hmm. Jealous maybe?

Once he’s helped me to my feet, his warm hand slides down my back, resting just above my ass, and we move toward the massive steel and glass doors. The moment is too good to pass up, and I want to play with the unflappable Maxen a little bit. “You know, that guy only wanted a lap or two around the block. It is a nice… car.”

Maxen’s growl makes a return appearance, accompanied by a side-eye scowl. His hand shifts from my back to around my waist, and he says, “I don’t share.”

A shock of awareness heats my middle at his possessive words and physical claim. A couple of trophy wife wannabes walk out of the restaurant just as we reach the doors, each of them eye-fucking my date—ahem—my partner on this mission. I stiffen in response, and Maxen, chuckling, leans close to press his lips to my ear. “And apparently, you don’t share either.”

His whispered words breathed against the sensitive area send shivers down my spine. God, how is every move that he makes so damned erotic? I squeeze my thighs together as Maxen returns his hand to the small of my back.

“Good evening. What’s the name on your reservation?”

“Phelps,” Maxen answers.

The maître d' checks his list and instructs one of his minions to escort us to our table. We’re led to an intimate booth in a part of the restaurant where none of the exits are visible. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask for a different table, but Maxen, reading my thoughts, shakes his head once.

Being unarmed for tonight is hard enough for someone like me to handle. Being unarmed and blind is too much.

“Stay focused, Marine,” Maxen orders. “A romantic, secluded table is a normal and necessary part of the proper dinner date.”

“This is not a date,” I remind him.

Maxen laughs and leans back in his seat, his whole body seemingly carefree and light. The moment transforms him entirely, and I find myself caught in a state of evection. Just like when the sun's attraction alters the moon’s orbital motion, Maxen has knocked me off my axis.

The sexy man notices my lost expression and takes my hand, pulling me back into focus. Something in me shifts then, and I don’t know if it scares me or not. Thankfully, whether it’s his suit, the atmosphere, or his devastating smile, the sudden change puts me in a trance, and I can finally relax into my role.

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