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“I don’t think they are.” Carlita absentmindedly stirred her soup. “My gut tells me they’re just getting started and, lucky us, the Garlucci family is on their radar.”

After finishing, Pete took a closer look at the loan papers Enzo and Costanza had given her. “Vinnie should never have agreed to these terms. Every single line favors the lender.”

“Most loan agreements favor the lender,” Carlita said. “I don’t know this for certain, but maybe even in the most above-board agreements, the debt could be tied to the estate.”

“But the lender doesn’t show up on your doorstep with veiled threats and unreasonable terms.” Pete held up a sheet of paper. “If the debt is in default, the lender will provide acceptable terms for repayment, including, but not limited to, immediate payment or payment amounts set forth by the lender.”

Carlita pursed her lips. “We were basically told to come up with the money, all of it, or Lombardo wants 50% of our profits until the debt is paid in full, plus interest.”

“I think you mentioned signing over the property. The lender isn’t interested?”

She gave him a thumbs down. “And after looking at it, I don’t blame him. It needs to be bulldozed.”

“We’ll figure this out, one way or another,” Pete vowed. “I see a copy of the deed on the last page.”

“With Vinnie’s name, my name and someone else, I’m guessing the original lender, before the debt was passed on to Lombardo, which is on another page. He must have had some inkling the property was in a serious state of disrepair,” Carlita said.

After eating, the couple took Rambo for a long, leisurely walk. By the time they returned, Vinnie called, letting them know his plane had landed.

It was a quick drive to the nearby Savannah airport. They pulled into the pickup area and found him waiting on the curb. Carlita hopped out of the car and hugged her son. “Thank you for coming down here.”

“No problem, Ma. We’ll figure this out.”

“I hope so.”

“Hello, Vinnie.” Pete shook his hand and reached for his bag. “It’s good to see you again. I only wish it was under better circumstances.”

“Me too. Although I have to say we Garluccis manage to find ourselves in a few messes. I guess we can thank Pops for this one.”

“Yes, we can.”

Back home, Mercedes, Tony, and Violet arrived within the hour.

“There’s my Violet.” Carlita gave her granddaughter a big hug.

Rambo trotted over and wiggled his way between them, his tail wagging ninety miles an hour.

Violet wrapped her arms around the pup’s neck. “I’ve missed you so much, Rambo.”

Tony ruffled her hair. “Did you bring your stuff?”

“Yep.” Violet promptly plopped down on the floor. She unzipped her backpack, reached inside and removed a plastic zippered bag. Inside was a packet of Rambo’s favorite treats and a small stack of paper muffin cups. “We’re going to play the muffin cup game. Now, you can’t watch.”

Carlita grabbed her pup and led him behind the kitchen’s center island while Violet hid treats beneath the muffin cups. “Let us know when you’re ready.”

“I will Nana.” The young girl hummed under her breath, carefully arranging the cups. “I’m ready.”

As soon as Carlita released her grip, Rambo skittered around the bar. He tromped on top of a muffin cup and gobbled up the treat hidden beneath it.

Violet covered her mouth and giggled. “You’re supposed to find them.” She patiently nudged him back. “Now, pick one,” she told him.

The pup gently tapped the top of one cup. Violet snatched the paper cup off the floor.

Rambo lunged forward, gobbling up the goody. They played the game until Violet ran out of treats. “Can we go outside?”

“Sure,” Carlita said. “Leave the slider door open and stay away from the railing.”

“I will.” Violet skipped out of the kitchen with a rambunctious Rambo by her side.

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