Page 8 of Danger

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The back door opened, and Savage and another man walked into the kitchen, catching them both off guard. “Shit man,” Declan grumbled. “I thought you were one of the Dead Rabbits.”

Savage barked out his laugh, but Declan didn’t find anything funny about the whole situation. “What were you going to do if I was a Dead Rabbit?” Savage asked. “Offer them a cup of coffee.”

“Speaking of coffee,” the other guy said, “I’d love a cup.”

“Declan, Danger,” Savage said, “this is my husband, Bowie.” Declan nodded to the guy as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“Not to pry, but I thought you were married to a woman?” Declan asked.

Savage’s smile was wicked, “I am,” he said. “Well, we are. Bowie and I are married to Dallas. I’m guessing that Cillian never wrote home about the three of us,” Savage said.

“Cillian didn’t write home about much after our parents passed,” Declan said. “And no, he wouldn’t have included your marital status in his letters.”

“How exactly does it work? You know, the three of you,” Danger asked. The three men shot her a look and she grimaced. “You know what, don’t answer that,” she insisted. “It’s none of my business.”

“If you really want to know, I’d be happy to draw you some pictures,” Savage teased. The big guy seemed to be having a whole lot of fun watching Danger squirm. If Declan was being honest, he liked watching her too.

“No, I’m good,” Danger insisted. She took her coffee and disappeared into the bar, leaving the rest of them standing there watching her.

“I guess we spooked her,” Bowie said. “Well, you spooked her.” He looked Savage over and the big guy just laughed at his husband.

“She’ll get used to it,” Savage insisted. “Your brother and sister should be here any time. Then, we can get the meeting started. How did you sleep?” he asked.

“Not great. I think that Danger slept worse than I did though. I found her out in the parking lot sleeping in her SUV. I convinced her to come in and take the bed because I couldn’t sleep anymore,” Declan said.

Bowie smiled over at him, and Declan felt the desire to punch his goofy grin right off his face, although he was sure that Savage wouldn’t allow that. “So, you didn’t end up in bed together?” he asked.

“No,” Declan breathed. “We just fucking met each other, and if you haven’t noticed, she’s not interested in me.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Savage challenged. “She just needs to warm up to you it seems.”

“Either way, you owe me twenty dollars,” Bowie said to his husband, holding out his hand. He waited Savage out as he dug through his wallet and handed over a twenty-dollar bill.

“Why do you owe him twenty?” Declan asked Savage, although he had a pretty good idea of what was going on.

“He bet me that you’d end up in bed together and I said that you wouldn’t,” Bowie said, shoving the money into his pocket.

“For fucks sake,” Declan grumbled. His brother and Lil walked through the back door, and he almost inwardly groaned. The last thing he needed was the two of them piling on about him sleeping with Danger, or not sleeping with her in this case. He especially didn’t want her to find out that the guys had a bet going on about it.

“Who won the bet?” Lil asked, pulling Declan in for a quick hug. Cillian did the same and Declan wondered if they were all in on it. “Tell me that he didn’t sleep with her because I could use the twenty dollars from my older brother.”

“Wait, you two bet on our sleeping arrangements too?” he asked, shooting his siblings a dirty look.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Lil breathed. “I bet that you wouldn’t defile the poor woman and Cillian here bet that you would.”

“Jesus, Lil,” Declan whispered. “Keep your fucking voice down, she’ll hear you.”

“If it helps you feel better, I bet you’d be able to coax her into your bed because you’re my little brother and you have game, just like me,” Cillian teased, patting him on the back.

“You do not have game,” Lil insisted, “and neither does Declan. I’m sure that he was a perfect gentleman.”

“Wait, how do you two know that Danger was even here with me? She left while you four were still here last night,” he said.

“We took turns watching the bar last night. We saw when she pulled into the parking lot and that’s when we made the first bet,” Cillian admitted.

“The first bet?” Declan asked. “Do I want to know?”

“It’s not that bad,” Lil assured. “We bet on how long it would take you to find her and get her to come into the bar with you.”

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