Page 17 of Hung

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“That’s what a group of seagulls is called.”

For some reason, the fact that she not only knows that but uses it in a sentence is fucking adorable. I can’t help but grab her full cheeks and crash a kiss onto her lips. I pull away breathless. “I like you a fuck ton, Georgie girl.”

Her cheeks blush and pinch with a smile. “That’s good because I like you a shit ton, Alfie boy—oh, there he is!”

She presses her face against the shutters, and I do the same.

Neil is in nothing but some saggy boxers as he races down his front steps, frantically clicking and holding out his key fob. He manages to turn off the alarm but then stands there paralyzed as he takes in the squabble of seagulls that have consumed his car.

“He looks terrified.” Georgie giggles when he takes a tentative step toward it.

He does a stupid little dance, stepping forward then back again and again until he gets enough courage to reach the driver’s side door. He throws it open then jumps back like he was expecting flames.

“God, he really is an idiot,” I scoff. Did he expect them to file out the door in single file? He shouts in frustration and throws his key fob into the car. That only sends one or two flying.

“I’m going out!” We hear Cherish call out below us.

I rub my hands together. “Now the show really begins.”

She stumbles down her porch and into the street with her arms out and head thrown back, her whole body shaking as if possessed. She doesn’t even break character when a driver has to skid to a stop to avoid hitting her and lays on their horn. Once in Neil’s driveway, she throws her arms straight ahead and rushes to the car as if dragged by some invisible force.

Georgie can’t tear her eyes away. “This is way better than I was expecting.”

“Seriously, if this whole psychic thing doesn't work out, she has a real future on Broadway.”

Neil yells, but I can’t make out the words from where we are. Cherish goes to him and collapses, forcing him to catch her. Her eyelids flutter and her lips move, but I can’t hear what she says. I don’t need to, though, as the horrified expression on Neil’s face tells me she’s successfully delivered our message from the spirits:

“Stay away from Georgie Martin or else.”

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