Page 46 of Juicy

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Chapter 26


Why did the fish blush?

It saw the ocean’s bottom.

I haven’t left my house in three days. My phone sits dead on my coffee table, and I’m pretty sure I’ve cried enough to fill a bathtub with the salty liquid.

“I know you are in there bitch! So open this door before I search through your fake rocks for your spare and open this door.” Jade shouts through my letterbox.“I mean it!”

Sighing because I know she does, I push myself from my rat’s nest on the sofa and shuffle to the door.

“What the fuck happened to you?”

“I’m a whore,” I sniffle. “That’s what Clark said, and I realized he was right.”

“So?” Jade looks at me like I’m crazy.

I’m not like her. I avoided peen after the Ronan situation until last night, and now I’m on the front page of a news site surrounded by four different men.

I don’t have the same confidence she has, and while Salem isn’t the biggest place in the world, a population of forty-four thousand is enough that word spreads quickly.

“You need a shower and then some coffee. Let’s go to the bistro. I’m sure Jackson will give us coffee on the house.”

Two hours later, I’m sitting inside Jackson’s bistro with a giant croissant in one hand and his largest mug of coffee in the other.

“Now, start from the beginning,” Jade sips her mocha. “How was the date night?”

“Amazing,” I sigh. “I felt so desired, and they worshipped me all night long, even while I was sleeping. I haven’t felt that wanted since before Ronan.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“The problem is that I was photographed surrounded by four men, then my brother phoned me to call me a whore,” I sniffle, trying desperately not to cry. My parent’s messages have been similar.”

“Do you really care?” she asks, staring me down daring me to argue with her. “They shunned your brother for being gay, not because he hurt you by sleeping with your boyfriend.”

“I know, and I’ve barely spoken to Mom and Dad since, but-”

“No buts. Your parents suck, and Clark doesn’t get a say in your love life after what he did to you to get his happily ever after. You deserve that too bitch so if that’s four hunky men, then go for it.”

“It was just a night of fun, nothing serious,” I wave my hand dismissively.

“Sure, babe,”Jade snorts. “So what are you going to do next?”

I pause, thinking over all of my options.

“I’m going to leave the date in the past. It was some fun for all of us, that’s all, and I’m going to go on another date. I deserve my happily ever after.”

“If that’s what you want,” Jade says, but her eyes look sad.

“It is.”

Isn’t it?

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