Page 14 of Juicy

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Jacob turns to face us, his shoulders slumped.

“I’ll go. You stay and enjoy the date you had planned for Cherry,” Macon says, dislodging his hand from mine and stepping toward his brother.

I don’t know if it’s the way my heart lurches from the disconnect or if it’s the way his brother lights up at the prospect of going on a date with me even while the other looks dejected, which makes the words tumble from my mouth.

“Stay. Both of you, we can do something fun together instead of someone having a shit evening at home,” I chuckle nervously.

They could both tell me to fuck off, that I’m crazy for even suggesting it.

I don’t mind being the meat between this twin sandwich.

Especially when they both look so damn lickable.

Seriously, where did those muscles come from?

“You wouldn’t mind? Aren’t you on the app to find someone?” Jacob asks, his eyebrow furrowed as he looks at me.

“Honestly, my friend convinced me to join since I’ve been out of the game for a while. So I don’t mind sharing you for the night,” I wink.

“Let’s do it then!” Macon rubs his hands together gleefully.

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