Page 19 of Drippy

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"Hey, Sodapop..." The words felt natural, a name that was more than just a moniker, born from a connection that had stumbled into existence. "This... us... it's kinda nice, isn't it?"

"Nice is... an understatement." He pulled back slightly, blue eyes searching mine. "It's terrifyingly wonderful."

"Terrifyingly wonderful," I repeated, the phrase hanging between us, filling the room with its truth.

"Never thought I'd be here," he admitted, his hand finding mine, fingers lacing with an ease that spoke of something deeper.

"Me neither." I squeezed his hand, sealing the unspoken pact.

We lay there, the fading light casting shadows that danced across the walls. Time seemed to stretch and bend, moments folding into each other until the sun dipped low, signaling the end of our cocooned reality.

"Looks like the day's making an exit." I nodded toward the window, where streaks of orange and purple painted the sky.

"Seems so." He sighed, a sound filled with reluctance.

"Time flies when you're having fun, right?" I pushed myself up, the cool air hitting my skin, goosebumps rising in protest.

"Or when you're with someone who makes every second count." Arnold sat up, too, the sheets pooling around his waist.

"Sweet talker." I reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead.

"Only the truth." He caught my hand, bringing it to his lips for a soft kiss.

"Guess this is it then." My voice wavered, not ready to break the spell we'd woven around ourselves.

"Only for now." His smile held promises that spoke of future awkwardness, shared laughter, and something real.

"Only for now," I echoed, allowing him to pull me in for one last kiss—gentle, sweet, a whisper of things yet to come. Grabbing my lingerie and trench, I put them on, bending over just enough so he could glimpse the hole he'd mistakenly shoved his finger in. I smiled when I heard him sputter. Standing, I kissed his cheek and walked to the front door.

"See you, Angelcakes." He stood against the frame, the light framing him in a glow that made him look more like a dream than ever.

"See you, Sodapop." I stepped into the evening, the cool breeze wrapping around me.

I closed the door behind me, a soft click sealing the chapter we'd just written. My heart still tap-danced against my ribcage, a rhythm set to the beat of something new, something thrilling.

The evening air was crisp, contrasting the warmth I'd left behind. I wrapped my trench coat tighter around myself, the fabric whispering against my skin, a secret reminder of the bold move I'd made hours before. It paid off in more ways than one.

My mind replayed the scenes—our tangled limbs, the slip and slide of his God rod as he wildly pistoned into my sex cave. How his hands had trembled as they explored, how mine had guided. I'd hardly thought about the cocks at the glory hole since we'd had coffee a week ago.

I bit my lip, a smile tugging at the corners despite the sting from where he'd accidentally head-butted me. Awkward as hell? Absolutely. Endearing? Even more so.

"Never thought I'd find joy in awkward," I muttered under my breath, the night swallowing my words.

Arnold's blue eyes came to mind, wide with amazement and a dash of panic when things didn't go quite as planned. His lanky frame had moved with hesitant eagerness, matching my own uncertainty. I'd never fucked a virgin before.

"New territory for both of us," I mused, chuckling at the double entendre that fit us both—a virgin and a vixen.

I felt happy with each step that took me further from Arnold's doorstep. We'd laid ourselves bare beyond the physical. And found something neither of us had known we were missing.

"Can't wait for chapter two," I said, a promise to the stars above, to the man who'd become more than just a voice on the other end of a phone line.

I kept walking, the echo of that final kiss lingering like the aftertaste of a fine wine—sweet, heady, and utterly intoxicating.

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