Page 137 of Tell Me Lies

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“I don’t have the knowledge.”

His smile grew. “I’m certain you do.”


“There is no way you will make me change my mind, Ms. Evans. I have made a decision, and there is no going back once my mind is set.”


“No.” Ludovico stood up. His height and build dwarfed her, and she took a step back, banging against the door. “No. I will walk you to your car now, and tomorrow we will reconvene. Is that clear?”

She nodded.

“I want you to say it,” he ordered dropping his tone to a whisper. “Dillo.”

Gigi swallowed. She managed to keep her gaze on him as she spoke.

“It’s clear, Mr. Ludovico.”

“Excellent. Then, let’s go.”

Chapter Four

For the first time in ages, Ludovico wanted to laugh.

He’d spent the previous night researching the woman whose phone he’d picked up, and he’d been pleasantly surprised to discover she worked in the consulting firm they’d hired to help them with their software company. He had never expected her to be part of the team working on their business, though. Fate, it seemed, was on his side.

The connection between them had been instantaneous. She hadn’t recognized him, of course. He’d made sure to cover his mob tattoo by buttoning his shirt high and wearing a silk scarf, but the energy she gave off made his blood sizzle. It didn’t matter that she’d seen him murder a man. He wanted the brunette. Had they met in different circumstances, he would have seduced her just the same, but now he had the upper hand. Not only could he conquer her, he could also make her his.

Ludovico couldn’t recall the last time he’d had a woman serve his needs. He’d been with women, of course, but not one he could dominate and extort. A shiver ran down his spine. He hadn’t realized he missed it until now that the opportunity had finally presented itself to him.

Geraldine Evans was his. She was the witness to his crime and in exchange for her life, he would make her his toy.

Chapter Five

Gigi clasped her purse, fighting the urge to run. While she had been working, she’d been distracted, but now that the day had ended and she was finally going home, the horror of the previous evening rushed back to haunt her. She glanced at the men’s reflection in the elevator. The bodyguard had his arms crossed at his chest and an expression which would surely turn anyone to stone. Ludovico was carelessly undoing the knot on his scarf. The elevator doors pinged, and she jumped in her skin. It didn’t matter that men twice as big as her were escorting her. She was still afraid.

The bodyguard held the front door open. Ludovico guided her forward with his hand on the small of her back. A quiver ran down her spine. She’d never been attracted to a client. It was forbidden. Office romances were strictly prohibited, not only because it was bad for business, but also because it was prone to go nowhere, but the chemistry Ludovico ignited unsettled her. Even more so, knowing she’d have to work in close quarters with him. She was a professional, of course, but he was so easy on the eyes it wouldn’t be difficult to give in to his appeal.

She shook her head.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes. I was just thinking about tomorrow and all the work we must do.”

His smile undid her.

“So was I, Ms. Evans. Where is your car?”

“It’s that one.” Gigi stopped in her tracks.

“With the flat tires?”

She nodded numbly. Fear reinstalled itself within her, the events of the previous night plowing into her chest and leaving her breathless. They’d slashed her tires. They knew who she was.

“Unbelievable. I knew this area wasn’t the best but to do something like this in the light of day is unspeakable.” Ludovico squeezed her forearm, and she focused her gaze on him. “I’ll take you home.”

She shook her head.

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