Page 136 of Tell Me Lies

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The meeting went on for hours. Lunch was ordered, eaten, and scraps were sent away. Gigi glanced at the clock. Had they really been sitting here all day? She was mentally and physically exhausted. She had hardly slept the previous night and today she’d felt as if she couldn’t let her guard down for a second, not when the client, Ludovico, didn’t seem to take his eyes off her.

“Are you all right, Ms. Evans? You seem a bit jumpy.”

She blinked and faced him, trying to hide the heat that crept up her spine every time their gazes met.

“I’m not going to deny I’m a bit tired. We’ve been at this all day.”

“Indeed. Pleasure and pain are but a thin line away.”

“Pleasure and pain?” she repeated.

He winked at her.

“The pleasure of your company mingled with the pain of doing this work.”

“Oh.” She looked away quickly, too embarrassed to say anything. What the hell was wrong with her? She wouldn’t usually allow this kind of behavior from anyone, much less a client, but the sensual Italian had her out of sorts.

It’s exhaustion. When you get a good night’s rest, you’ll be your old self.

“Maybe we should call it a day,” Ludovico declared, standing up abruptly. “Ms. Evans is tired and so am I. We can continue tomorrow.”

“I have another meeting to attend tomorrow, but—”

“There’s no need for you to reschedule your other commitments, Miller,” Ludovico said. “I want Ms. Evans to take care of our account.”

“Mr. Ludovico, I don’t think Gigi … I mean, Ms. Evans, has the necessary experience to deal with your business.”

“Either she does it or we take it elsewhere, am I clear, Miller?” Ludovico stared at her boss as if he were nothing but a bothersome bug which could be easily exterminated.

“Of course, of course. Gigi, step into my office. We’ll work a bit late today so I can catch you up on the details—”

“No,” she almost screamed the words, and her hand flew to her mouth. “I apologize,” she said, swallowing hard. “It’s just, I’d rather leave the office before it’s dark. This area is not exactly the safest at night.”

“Nonsense,” Miller said, waving his arms in the air. “It’s perfectly safe.”

“She’s right.” Ludovico interjected. “Besides, she can catch up tomorrow.” He turned to her and offered her his arm. “Come, Ms. Evans, I’ll walk you to your car.”

“That’s okay. It’s still light out—”

“I insist.”

“I have to pick up, organize the documents, and—”

“I’ll wait.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“Considering your cry of distress two minutes ago. I believe it is. We will wait.”

He sat back down, crossed his arms over his chest, and lifted his eyebrows.

Gigi swore under her breath. She’d worked with stubborn customers before, but this was new. None of them had ever worried about her well-being or her safety, quite the contrary. Most of them just wanted her to get the job done as fast as possible even if it meant she had to work extra hours. She glanced at her boss. He kept his head bowed, helping her collect the papers.

She bent over the table to grasp a set of papers. When she lifted her gaze, she met Ludovico’s green eyes. He smirked and glanced at his lap. She bit back a gasp as the outline of his erection became apparent. Had she had that effect on him? A surge of desire slammed into her. This was unprecedented. Irrational.

“Mr. Miller would be better suited to take care of your business, Mr. Ludovico,” she said, clasping the paperwork against her chest like a shield.

“I don’t think so,” he replied with a toothy grin.

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