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Evan drums his hands on the steering wheel as we make our way to the soccer field outside St. Francis Elementary.

“Are you sure about this?” I ask.

Evan nods. “It’s going to be fine. Izzy will love it. She might not say it, but she loves a big grand gesture. She’s a romantic at heart. That’s why you two are so perfect for each other. I double-checked with Lila this morning. The reporters are on their way. We’re all set.”

I blink, taken aback. “You really think we’re perfect for each other?”

“All of that and that’s the only thing you heard?” He shrugs one shoulder. “I mean only you two could get into a mess like this. I’ve had time to warm up to the idea.”

“That almost sounds like a stamp of approval,” I tease.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

My confidence swells. Whatever happens, Evan approves, and for some reason, it really means a lot. We get to the soccer field and park, and I call Chett before we get out of the car, just to make sure they’re all set with Evan’s plan, which includes all of the Cowboys showing up at Rory’s practice with a special jersey, some signed caps for all the girls, and me making a big speech to Rory about how proud I am to be her dad.

It’s a little corny, but what seven-year-old wouldn’t love it?

We get out of the car and wait as several more cars pull into the lot. The parking lot is probably as full as it has ever been by the time all of my teammates are here. I can’t help but notice there is a lot more than just our cars. How many reporters did Lila call? A quick scan of the field shows more people at soccer practice than usual, as well.

“Ready?” Evan asks as he rounds up all the guys. He pats me on the back. “Let’s go get you a family.”

I guess, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. It’s funny, I’ve felt fear of rejection before. Like being nervous about asking a girl out, things like that. But none of those women have ever made me as nervous as a little seven-year-old girl.

We walk up to the field, the guys hang back a bit. The girls on the field all huddle together when they notice us. All the parents are whispering, and I slowly get the feeling that I’m missing something.

I catch snippets of the whispers. “He’s here. Everyone get ready!”

Coach calls a time-out. I stop at the edge of the field, my team behind me. Evan comes to stand beside me. I know something’s up but before I can tell Evan, he shouts our rehearsed, “Surprise!”

The guys each hold up a sign with a few letters that together read: Will you be my daughter?”

Rory, who’s standing in the huddle of her team sees the sign and flashes a smile. She waves to me and then disappears into the group. Not quite the reaction I was going for. I shift on my feet, growing uncomfortable with the silence. I shoot a glance at Evan. Didn’t he check with someone before planning this?

Rory reappears, now dragging Izzy by the hand and onto the field. The girls’ soccer team lines up behind her. Much like my team is behind me. I notice Jules on the sidelines. She’s snickering along with the coach, and I finally realize, as the girls cheer and unroll a paper banner, that we both came here to do the exact same thing.

Given the way Jules is cackling and the fact that Evan organized my end of this, I’m fairly certain it was all a setup. Jules and Evan can’t be trusted together ever again.

The girls' sign reads: Welcome to the family!

Izzy looks around at all the parents and players watching her stand on the field. “Well, do you want to go first or should I?”

I can hear her, but the parents on the sidelines probably can’t, which makes it even funnier when Jules says, “Oh, right…” she jogs out to meet Izzy on the grass with a microphone and a portable Bluetooth speaker, which she holds over her head.

“Okay, now you can start,” says Jules over the mic, as everyone laughs.

Izzy grabs the mic, shakes her head and repeats, “Who wants to go first?”

“By all means,” I say, motioning for her to continue.

“Right. Um, well, as you know, I’m no good at this. Words, I mean.” Izzy chuckles as the speaker squeals and I find myself smiling at what is probably the understatement of a century.

She nervously shifts on her feet. “Seven years ago, I made a mistake. I didn’t have faith in you, and I was wrong. In the short time that you’ve been back in my life, you’ve shown me that you care about people, that you fight for people, and that you will be a good role model for Rory. I’ve spent all this time without you, and I don’t want to go one more day apart. So, if you’ll have us, Nathan Sterling, we’d like to spend every weekend like this, as a family.”

I’m actually choked up, which I didn’t expect. I walk toward Izzy and Rory and give them both a big hug.

“Um… you can go, now,” she says as she hands me the mic.

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