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“Well, it looks like that’s about to get messier.” Jules giggles.

What’s so funny? A crease forms between my brows as Jules points to some commotion at the edge of the soccer field.

Nathan himself is strolling toward us with five or six gigantic muscled men behind him, all of them carrying lawn chairs and coolers. I can imagine the scene as an action movie with a big explosion going off in slow motion directly behind them.

“Oh my god.” I pull the brim of my sun hat down and sink low in my chair. “Just kill me.”

Audible whispers erupt from the other parents.

Weight settles in my gut, and I contemplate simply bolting for the jeep. “What are they doing here?”

“Off the top of my head?” Says Jules. “He’s attending his daughter’s soccer game… but what do I know?”

I let out a pained groan.

Nathan, still at the head of the group of five or six of his teammates, puts all the little league dads to shame. The sunshine in the park caresses his tanned skin, seeming to highlight every muscle beneath his tight v-neck and running shorts.

Plus, he has his team behind him looking like Spartan soldiers following their leader into battle. I could forgive him, if he didn’t also have that smile that just oozes charisma. You just instantly like him, no matter what, and it’s so unfair.

Lord, he looks like an Under Armor ad.

The dads are staring just as much as the moms, and I don’t blame them. Nathan, who is just loving this, gives a good-natured wave at his awestruck audience. His victory lap ends right beside me. “This spot taken?”

“Yes.” I snap at the same time Jules says, “Nope! Saved it for you.”

He unfolds his lawn chair and sits without invitation. The other players, settle around us with their own chairs like a protective shield of muscle. I recognize Chett and Travis.

The coach on the field calls a time-out just as Rory catches sight of us. Well, she catches sight of Nathan and starts glowing with joy. I should be jealous but I’m too busy dying inside from the awkwardness.

She beelines for Nathan. “You came!”

He shoots me an innocent shrug. “She asked me the other night.”

“The other night?” I hear Chett mumble to Travis with a waggle of his eyebrows. Perfect, now the rumor mill will be out of control. There goes any chance I had of looking professional. I can already picture the frown on Lila’s face.

Rory’s coach starts toward us. I spring out of my chair and start walking to meet him, hoping I can intercept him before Nathan starts talking.

But Nathan is right on my heels, like he’s all of a sudden decided he’s invited to every aspect of Rory’s life. Is he going to show up at parent-teacher conferences, too? Probably.

“Hi, Izzy…” Coach Peters, who happens to be Kelsey’s dad trails off as Nathan stops beside me and slings an arm around my shoulders. I promptly shrug him off while Coach is stuttering to clear his throat. “Um… I wasn’t expecting the—visitors.”

Visitors. That’s one way of describing the pro football team railroading this little league game.

“Izzy didn’t tell you?” Nathan says. For a heart-stopping moment I think he’s about to finish that sentence with, “I’m Rory’s dad.” When he says, “I need a community outreach project,” instead I swear I almost pee my pants in relief. He continues, “A little birdie told me that your team needs a sponsor.” He sends a wink to Rory, who I’ve only just realized is standing on Nathan’s other side. Like we’re a little family.

A family. Is that what he wants? Underneath it all? Maybe I’m worrying over nothing? I stop myself there because there’s no way Nathan Sterling of the NFL can just integrate into our lives without casualties. It just wouldn’t work. It can’t.

Coach Peters recovers from shock and looks to me. “Are you serious? The Dallas Cowboys wants to sponsor our team? Forget the championship, we could afford to build a whole stadium at St. Francis from all the fundraiser potential!” He looks between Nathan and me suspiciously. “How do you know each other? I don’t mean to pry… but that’s a big thing to just forget to mention you casually know an NFL team.”

“I work for the Cowboys. Recent promotion,” I say at the same time Nathan says, “We grew up together.”

I elbow him, aiming for subtle, but he slings the arm around me again and squeezes. “She was the cutest little freckled thing you ever did see,” he says, laying it on thick.

He releases me and scoops Rory up on his hip. Another sight that makes me gulp around a huge ball of emotion lodging in my throat.

“Coach…” Nathan holds out his hand to shake.

“Peters,” Coach answers, giving Nathan’s hand an enthusiastic shake.

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