Page 24 of One Bossy Night

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"No wonder he’s attracting suitors as he talks on stage," she said.

"Yeah," I agreed. “All eyes are on him while he just looks like he's quite uninterested in being there. It's a little bit funny because he doesn't like crowds at all. I bet he cannot wait to get back to the hotel.”

“I, on the other hand, sure can. Maybe it's best I try to avoid him as much as possible until things calm the hell down between us”.

“I said it before, and I’ll say it again,” she said. “I don't think you should avoid him at all. It's already too late. You guys have gone intimate. Maybe not all the way yet, but it's only a matter of time. So why try to shy away from it? He will never just be your boss anymore; he will also be the man you've been intimate with, who you quite possibly are in love with, although you'll never admit it."

I truly didn’t know what to say. She was right. I guess the sooner I accepted it, the better. It was either things went uphill from here onwards or downhill. It would never be the same.

I watched him for a little while longer and thought about her words from earlier that morning.

She was right. If I could spend six whole months dressing so nerdishly so that he wouldn’t notice me, why then couldn’t I do the same in the opposite direction? Why couldn’t I get him to notice me? I adored him, and he seemed to be attracted to me, or rather, he was immensely attracted to me, at least enough to give in last night, so why was I so scared?

From his last story rampant around the office about how his previous female secretaries came onto him and how he threw them out like trash. He hadn’t thrown me out so far, and I… I wanted the assurance from him about why.

I put on a sly grin then and replied to Emma’s message.

"I know him," I wrote. "I know so much about him that you would find it creepy, truly. More than you need to know. More than even he knows. I used to wonder where all this was headed, and at the end of the day, I just accepted that it was headed nowhere. But after last night... for now, I will admit that I want more. Maybe I'm too scared to say anything about him being the love of my life just yet, but I at least want him to be the man that I have been intimate with and not just my boss. I can at least strive for this. It's not as though we can go back."

I sent the message and then shut my phone off. A few seconds later, however, it lit up with a message.

It was from Emma.

"Where did you go? Why aren’t you responding?" she asked.

I frowned at her question.

"What do you mean by why aren't you responding? I sent you a message."

Just as I sent it, however, I looked down and realized that all the messages I had just sent hadn’t gone to her.

"Shit, I think it didn't send, maybe the network was bad."

I left the chatroom and was about to turn the screen off, however, when I noticed that I'd just recently exchanged messages with Hunter. It was less than a minute ago, and I couldn’t understand why. Had he tried to talk to me? That couldn’t be, he was still on stage, staring directly at me now, I realized.

Something knocked into my heart with a staggering blow as I finally read the first sentence and then the second. I pulled the chatroom open and nearly screamed. Instead, I was so shocked that I jumped to my feet in the middle of a room with more than three hundred people.

Thankfully, I didn’t curse back as I just might have ruined the entire event if I had.

I wasn’t sure though that I hadn’t when in the next moment my chair fell down behind me to the ground, showing the force with which I had stood up from it.

I immediately tried to right it quietly; however, I didn’t carry on speaking until I was seated again, and with my head so lowered down, I wondered if I would ever manage the courage to straighten up enough to look him in the eye once again.

I couldn’t look at him now. All I could do was try to delete the message and truly hope that he hadn’t seen it. I was so terrified that I immediately did this and then had no choice but to wait for my fate because now more than ever, I was sure that it was headed to nowhere but doom.

Chapter Fifteen


Icould feel the vibration in my pocket as I spoke, and for a moment, it distracted me indeed. I wondered who it was, but I didn’t really care because even though I tried my best not to watch her from across the room, no one else stood out like her, especially in a completely makeup-less state. She was quite enigmatic, though, and I found it strange that I wasn’t the only one to notice her sudden interruption of the conference simply because she had been startled by something. I wondered what it was - was it good news or bad news? Why had she been so shocked?

I couldn’t help worrying about her, and it made me anxious to wrap up my speech even more. Soon, I was done and returned to my seat, barely even realizing that I was receiving hearty applause. I bowed politely in appreciation and then pulled out my phone to slyly check if she had been the one to send me a message.

It turned out it was, but the content of the message left me shocked to say the least. I didn’t bother unlocking my phone to gain access to it; it was right there on my screen, and I just continued to stare. It made sense why she had suddenly jumped up. I was sure she had deleted it in the chatroom, so if I had any chance in hell whatsoever of seeing it again, I had to take a screenshot of it. I did so, and truly, afterward, it was a feat to control my amusement.

I wondered who she was talking to? What friend of hers was she sharing all this personal information with? It occurred to me then that I didn’t know. I didn’t know anything whatsoever about her, and this had always been the way for me with staff, but as I read that message over and over again, I knew that I wanted to know her. I wanted to know exactly what she meant - that she was too sane to conclude me as the love of her life yet. How much exactly did she know about me… more than I knew. And she wanted me to at least be the man that she had been intimate with.

Well, turns out that I want the exact same as well. We were more or less on the same page, so I couldn’t help my smile as I put the phone away.

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