Page 23 of One Bossy Night

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She was so unstable; it was truly beginning to worry me. Had she recovered? Had she not? Did she remember everything? How did she want things to proceed from now on between us? How did I want things to proceed from now on between us? Perhaps I was overthinking it? Perhaps I wasn’t?

I turned to her, and she continued to stare ahead as though she had just seen a ghost. I could have asked her. I wanted to ask her if she had remembered, how she felt about it. However, I couldn’t bring myself to, so I ignored talking to her and looked away. One thing was for sure, and it was that last night everything had shifted between us. I couldn’t look at her anymore and feel nothing. I couldn’t look at her anymore and feel the same. I wanted her.

Just the reminder of what it had felt like the previous day to have my cock in her mouth hit me every minute, how she had sucked me off with such enjoyment, how she had looked doing it, and afterward, and how I wanted… us to go all the way. I wanted to taste her, I needed more, but I couldn’t decide if more was the right way to go.

Soon we arrived at the conference, and I was shown to my seat amidst the other speakers. I lost her along the way, but there was a table for the staff if the speaker so hoped, so she was able to settle herself. She handed me my materials and gave them a look through. I had already found the time to do that this morning when I had spoken up a bit earlier, so plus, the topic was something I was ordinarily deeply immersed in on my day-to-day basis, so there was nothing truly to think about.

Soon enough, I was called on stage, and I began speaking. What I found, however, was while my mouth moved and I said what I knew, all I could do was search with my eyes for her. I wanted to be discreet about it just in case she was watching me. However, and when I truly couldn’t spot her, I slowed down, worried. Had she gone to the bathroom to throw up?

Just then, however, I finally looked behind at a round table in the corner, and then our eyes met. There were over three hundred people in the room, and I hadn’t even been able to spot her because I had been looking for a woman with crazy, down hair.

Now, however, she was back to the way she usually was. It was as though she had taken the time to go to the bathroom and put herself in order. Now, her hair was sleeked back as it always was, without a single strand out of place, and she was back to the Madison I knew.

I couldn’t help but feel a little sad at this because I wondered if she would ever come back. I wondered if the girl that had sobbed into my neck the previous night and begged for me to fuck her would ever come back.

Temporarily, and as a result of stray thoughts, I forgot my words and had to pause for a little bit. I picked up the glass of water before me, took a sip, and then glanced back at the slide behind me so that I could continue.

Chapter Fourteen


"Is he single?"

I was startled at the slight prod by the woman seated before me. She was so gorgeous I couldn’t look away, with bangs that didn’t seem to move and the most perfectly shaped lips I had ever seen.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's your boss, right?" she asked, smiling, "I saw you come in with him earlier."

"Um... yeah, yes, he is," I replied as I glanced at the stage once again. He was indeed mesmerizing to watch; the way he spoke, the way he was measured and intentional with it made me so mesmerized by who he was.

Seeing him up here, captivating the entire audience with every word that came out of his mouth, made me understand why I was so head over heels for him. It had been this way from the very moment I had met him, and last night had all but solidified my desire for exactly what I wanted with him.

The woman prodded me once again. "Is he single?" she asked.

I stared into her eyes and replied, "No, he's not. He has a girlfriend. Their relationship is incredibly serious."

"Oh really? How long have they been dating?" she asked. "You're sure about this?"

"Over three years," I replied, even more confidently. "They’ll be getting engaged soon. He's already discussed engagement rings with me. I mean, jewelers."

She gave me a peculiar look, and I didn’t need to interpret it to know that I had just messed up. Not only had I just lied about my boss, but I had basically exposed his secrets and thrown him to the wolves, so of course she would think I was crazy. Who would release that kind of information about their boss? I panicked even further when she leaned over to the woman next to her and whispered into her ear.

I sighed because once again, I had done something that clearly indicated that I was risking my job. There was no other explanation for my behavior and attitude.

I returned my attention to him, but just then Emma sent a message once again.

"Hey, how's it going?" she asked. "Has he said anything about last night yet?"

Needing the distraction, I replied immediately.

"No," I replied. “He's up on stage giving his keynote speech, looking gorgeous as always, while I have just lied to someone behind me and said that he has been in a relationship for three years and now he's about to get married, so basically, she needs to back off.”

"Is that true?" she shrieked.

“Of course not. I've never even seen him with a woman in that sense in the six months I've worked with him. He's obsessed with his work. It's all he ever does.”

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