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I nod, understanding then why Violet is getting a call so late. “She’s probably wanting to rehash the festival. That or she has something to say about me.”

Violet takes a deep breath, nodding as she answers the call. “Hey, Hannah. What’s up?”

She stands up and starts pacing the room, and I decide to go downstairs and get a little evening snack. After burning all those calories with Violet, and the shocking revelation that we’re going to be parents, I’m hungry.



As I glance down at my phone and see Hannah's name on the screen, I let out a small sigh of relief. This baby conversation is scaring me, and I need a break from it. I answer the call, trying to sound cheerful.

"Hey, Hannah! What's up?"

"Hey, Vi! I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing after the festival.”

I glance over at Jay as he steps out of the room. I guess he wants to give me privacy to talk with Hannah.

“Oh, yeah, I mean, great. Got home a little while ago, and I’ve just been… chilling.” That’s not the best word to describe what’s been happening.

“Have you gotten any word from the insurance company?”

“It’s Saturday. You asked me about that this morning, so no, nothing has changed since this morning.”

“I was just trying to make sure. I’m sure you’re ready to get out of Jay’s house. It has to feel awkward having him around all the time.”

I don’t know what Hannah’s trying to hint at, but I suddenly feel like I’m sitting on pins and needles. “Well, as you saw today, we’re getting along pretty well.”

“I did see that. And I don’t know. I just didn’t think about it, but then…”

Hannah is hiding something from me. I can just tell by her tone of voice. I start picking at the comforter, waiting for it to come out. Hannah has never been great at keeping secrets.

“Your mom called me a little while ago, like thirty minutes, and she mentioned something that got me a little worried."

I feel a knot tighten in my stomach. My mom called Hannah? What did she say? I try to keep my tone light, but I have so much worry weighing on me that it’s hard.

"Oh, really? What did she say?"

"She was just checking on you and mentioned that she thought you would be home early. Except that I thought you were already at the house. I told her that, and she said you hadn’t come home. She seemed kind of... I don't know, anxious. And I thought it was weird. So, I just wanted to check, and you didn’t answer my text, so…"

I glance at my phone, scrolling down. Sure enough, my mom texted me an hour ago to make sure I was alright, then Hannah texted me not too long after. She didn’t hear us come in since we didn’t open the garage door. Which seemed like a good idea at the time. "Yeah, I'm fine, Hannah. Just a little tired, that's all. I didn’t check my messages, and I’ve just been relaxing. I was about to go to sleep when you called actually."

The adrenaline flowing through my body is actually going to make it impossible to sleep anytime soon, but Hannah doesn’t have to know that.

"Violet, don't lie to me. I know you too well. And your mom sounded really worried. Is there something you're not telling me? Something you’re hiding? Maybe something to do with… Jay?"

I bite my lip, feeling the weight of this baby secret. I felt better momentarily after telling Jay, but I don’t know if telling Hannah will have the same result. She doesn’t understand my relationship with Jay, and I don’t think she’ll ever approve of it.


I can’t get the words out. I glance around the room, working to keep the lump of tears forming in my throat from rising. I hate the roller coaster of emotions that I’ve been feeling.

I hate the fact that I can’t just stay calm and steady.

“Violet? Are you going to answer me, or do I have to guess myself?”

“Don’t. I… Hannah, just give me a second.”

I put the phone down on the bed and stare at it for a second. I have to tell Hannah. It will be easier to get it over with now than to hide it and try to pretend that nothing’s happening for a few weeks. Eventually, she’ll have to know.

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