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It’s a long night at The Rusty Oak, with a line of demanding customers and people who are determined to complain just because they like finding fault with things.

But whenever I start to get frustrated, I just turn in Violet’s direction and see her gliding back and forth among the tables, greeting customers and smiling at them. I love the way her red hair reflects the lights and makes it easy to spot her when I need a momentary breath of fresh air.

Suddenly, she turns and heads in my direction. I turn back to what I was doing, though I realize that I’ve completely forgotten what that was. I was supposed to be making some sort of drink, right?

“Hi,” I say, glancing up from the empty counter when she arrives. She’s carrying a tray of dishes which she sets beside the sink, unloading them from the tray as she speaks.

“Hey, how are things on your end?”

I finally remember what I’m supposed to be making and grab the vodka from the shelf behind me. “Busy. Very busy. I don’t know why it’s so busy on a Thursday.”

Violet shrugs as she finishes unloading the tray. “Guess people don’t need a weekend to drink. Hey, it’s good for your bottom line, isn’t it?”

I smile as she turns around and watches me. “Sure. I’ll take all the customers I can get. Are you… doing okay?”

She looks at me sharply. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know. You’re busy. There’s a lot of people. I just wanted to make sure you don’t need an extra break.”

“No, I don’t need anything extra. I will take my regular break soon, though, as soon as I get that table in the corner wrapped up.”

Violet starts to move away from me, but I tap her elbow before pouring the newly mixed drink into the glass. “I’ll take my break with you. We can head out back and talk.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“What? That I want to talk with you?”

Violet shrugs, eyes me, then disappears back to serve her tables. I keep an eye on her, waiting for her to take a break before I head for the back myself, leaving things in Jerry’s capable hands.

Once we’re outside, the cold autumn wind hits me hard. It’s like a slap in the face.

I immediately pull Violet into my arms, and she snuggles up to my chest. It’s a relief to feel her like this, that she’s not pushing me away. We stand there like that for a full two minutes before she pulls back and looks at me. “You wanted to talk. What about?”

“Nothing specific. I just like talking to you. Is that so hard to believe?”

Violet raises an eyebrow at me, but the twitch at the corners of her mouth says that she’s flattered.

“Well, since you aren’t bringing anything to the table, I have something I’d like to talk about. Remember the fall festival?”

I nod because I do remember both Violet and Hannah mentioning something about that, though it’s been a little while.

“I thought we could work on our costumes. We still need to finalize a theme.”

“Costumes? A theme? I didn’t know I would have to wear a costume when I agreed to this.”

Violet laughs and pushes up on her toes to give me a quick kiss. “Well, now you know. Hannah keeps me updated on all things fall festival. How about something classic, like scarecrows or pumpkins? Or we could go for something a bit more whimsical, like woodland creatures.”

I chuckle. “Woodland creatures, huh? I can see you as a cute little fox. In fact, there might be some very sexy fox costumes at the lingerie store.”

She blushes slightly but smiles. “You could be a huge bear. The bigger, the better.” She reaches toward my groin and grabs at my dick which is starting to wake up and press into her.

I wonder if anyone would find us if I started pushing myself up under Violet in this alley back here.

But then, Violet is laughing, and her hand is gone from my groin. “Okay, a fox and bear. Gosh, I’m going to feel like I’m four years old, but I’ll do it for you.”

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