Page 8 of Breaking the Girl

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I’m trying to be less awkward, so I flick my eyes to him. My breath catches in my throat. Dressed in a pair of dark blue slacks, a matching suit jacket, and a white button-down shirt, he looks like a god.

His clothes accentuate every inch of his toned six-three frame. His tall and confident stance exudes silent, mesmerizing confidence.

Marcus’s thick black hair doesn’t betray his forty-one years on this planet. Nor does his wrinkle-free face. Even his short scruff is black.

And his black, intelligent, and interesting eyes. Sigh. They tell stories. It’s obvious he’s wise beyond his years. Even though I’ve been around here for as long as I can remember, I can tell things have happened to him. Things I’m not privy to.

The stories he must have. How interesting and wonderful and challenging they ought to be.

Too bad I’ll never get to hear any of it.

Just as fast, I avert my gaze from him to Rylan. She’s safe.

“Dad.” She waves to him from the couch. Her blue eyes sparkle, the afternoon sun casting golden shades onto her black hair. “You’re home early.”

“I am.”

“Something wrong?” Rylan tilts her head, her expression darkening. “Are you going somewhere later?”

The steps of his dress shoes as he walks on the hardwood floors echo in the expansive living room area. Slow and calculated, unlike the erratic beats of my heart.

“No, Ry.” It’s not like him to ignore me. But Rylan does seem worried, so I understand. “My last patient for the day canceled his session.”

“Oh, okay.” A grin replaces her scowl. “Cool.”

Marcus stops by Rylan’s side of the couch and muffles her hair.

The gesture is sweet, but it also makes my stomach plummet to the floor. He treats her like a kid when she’s actually twenty-two. Does he think I’m one as well?

He didn’t seem to consider me as one four years ago, I think.

Ever since the incident in the bathroom, I’ve been begging the universe for a repeat. For him to call me one day and ask me to go on a date or something. To tell me I didn’t imagine the explosive energy between us that day.

I’d hang on his every word. I’d swoon so hard I might burst.

Alas, the universe has answered my pleas with…nothing.

Cold and distant with a rare smile every once in a really long while. That’s how I’d describe his behavior toward me ever since.

Yeah, he definitely forgot about the most important moment of my life.

I’m a kid.

Except I’m not.

And I haven’t forgotten a single moment of our encounter.

The feel of his finger on my lips won’t go away. The darkening of his gaze haunts me wherever I go. His knuckles against my skin—

“Leighton,” he calls out my name in his deep voice. “I haven’t said hello properly. I apologize. How are you?”

I’m still deep in my daydreams, imagining the filthy yet romantic things he could tell me in that voice.

Good girl, I hear his words from years back. Good girl.

“Leighton?” Rylan narrows her eyes at me.

I’m confused by the irritation on her face. My best friend smiles harder and brighter than anyone I’ve ever met. Every second of every day without fail.

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